Day 68

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(A/N): Hello! So I just wanted to say a HUGE thank you to every single one of you guys who reads this! This was  #626 in Teen Fiction and that's absolutely insane! Like, that's never happened to me before! So to thank you all, this book is pretty much becoming my priority, so you can anticipate lots of updates! But I do still have a lot of other stuff I'm working on, and you should check it out if you get a chance! Well, anyway, thank you all so much and I hope you enjoy the new chapter!(: Oh, and please vote if you like it! Every vote means so much to me!

Day 68

I had been right. One Direction's album had been released less than a month ago, and the boys were already taking the UK by storm. Their faces were across almost every magazine and their schedules kept filling up with interviews. I would know, I was the one who scheduled it all.

Their songs infiltrated the radio on a daily basis and all five of their Twitter accounts had recently exploded with followers.

Today was a Friday and I'd just gotten off work. Now, I was running to the grocery store to grab a few things Alex and I needed.

I stepped into the bright building, maneuvering my way through the aisles. I grabbed some fruit, cereal, milk, break, and other things we were low on, making sure to keep my amount low considering I had to walk the two blocks back to the apartment.

Just as I was finishing up and heading towards the checkout, the magazine rack caught my eye. I quickly scurried over, smiling at the five boys I'd grown to love. They were on almost every over, accompanied by titles such as

"One Direction: The New Biggest Thing!"

"Girls All Over The World Are Going in One Direction!"

"Who's This New Boy Band Sweeping the Nation?"

"Everything You've Ever Wanted to Know About One Direction!"

The last one caught my eye. Everything I've ever wanted to know? I grabbed the magazine, adding it to my basket. I quickly checked out and hurried back to our apartment.

Once inside, I unloaded and put away the groceries before grabbing the magazine and plopping on my bed, stomach down. I laid the magazine out in front of me, skimming over the cover. It contained the five boys along with little teasers of what was inside.

I quickly opened it up to the first article about them. It basically just explained about how they met and included their entire album track listing, along with plenty of pictures.

I kept flipping through until one article caught my eye.

"One Direction's Love Life and Secrets!"

I raised my eyebrows as I read through the article.

As far as we know, all five members are single and ready to mingle. However, there might be more behind this story than meets the eye. Many fans think that the boys might even be dating each other!

I quite literally laughed out loud, completely confused as to how anyone would have come to that decision.

The most popular pairing seems to be Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson, or Larry Stylinson as the fans like to call their relationship. Is Larry Stylinson more than a bromance? We've done the investigating and the answers are in.

Following that, there were pictures of the boys talking or hanging out, some of which did seem very touchy-touchy, but were obviously just the boys being themselves. Harry and Louis definitely had a "bromance" but it was nothing more.

I scooped up my cell phone and dialed Harry's number, flipping onto my back on the bed so I was staring at the ceiling.

"Hello?" he answered on the third ring.

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