Day 329

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Day 329

I bounced into the studio, excited for today's photo shoot. I was shooting for a magazine spread and it was with one of my favorite photographers.

"Good morning!" Wendy greeted with a loud, happy voice.

Wendy was my new agent. The agency had assigned her to me about a week after I fired Elena, and as far as I could tell- she was perfect.

"Good morning, Wendy," I greeted as she fell into step with me.

"I got you some coffee," she smiled, handing me a warm cup from Starbucks.

"Oh, you didn't have to do that," I said, taking a sip of the delicious drink anyway. Wendy knew all my coffee orders and seemed to just guess what I was in the mood for. She hadn't been wrong yet.

"Yeah, but you love it."

"You know I do!"

We stepped into the makeup room and I sat down in the chair. As soon as my butt hit the cushioned seat, three different people descended upon my face.

"I'm going to go make sure everything's set up and whatever. Be back in a sec," Wendy said.

"Take your time. I'll be here. Getting my eyebrows plucked," I said, just as the assistant pulled out a particularly painful hair and I grimaced.

Wendy chuckled and left the room to find the photographer.

I sat there and obediently let them morph my face. Every once in a while I was able to sneak little sips of my coffee.

"Ok, everything looks good!" Wendy announced, coming back and joining me. "John Paul said he's ready whenever you're done."

"He's the best, isn't he?" I smiled fondly. I'd had a few shoots with John Paul and he was always so friendly. He wasn't demanding like other photographers. He sort of let me do what I wanted and just provided helpful tips.

"That he is," Wendy agreed.

I turned my head slightly and looked over at Wendy. She had her dark blonde, almost brown hair pulled back in a bun, just like most days. The couple times she's worn it in a ponytail were the only times I've ever actually seen how long it was- which was a decent length. She had a prominent face- one that didn't immediately strike you as "hot" but had more of a subtle beauty to it. She wore as minimal of makeup as possible to still be able to say she was wearing makeup. But it worked for her. It matched her casual style.

While Elena used to always dress like she worked in a business office, Wendy dressed much more casually, wearing lots of flowing skirts and dresses. Today she was wearing a beautiful white and green color-block dress that did wonders for her slim frame.

"I really like your dress," I commented, realizing I'd been staring at her for at least a minute by now.

She smiled at me. I could tell she wasn't used to being complimented by people. She seemed more like someone who would fade into the background until you really got to know her- and then her personality would shine through. "Thank you. I like that green eye shadow thing you've got going on."

I laughed, looking in the mirror and seeing that I had green eye shadow taking up a good fourth of my face. "I'm working on becoming the Jolly Green Giant. It's a slow process."

Wendy snorted with a laugh. "You're too much, Arden. "

"I know," I winked at her.

(A/N)- Okay, I know, it's beyond super short, but I just needed a little chapter to introduce Wendy. The next chapter is going to introduce the beginning of a long string of Alex/Zayn stuff, so get excited, man. Oh and tell me your opinions on Wendy! Do you like her? Do you think she'd be good with any of the boys? If so- who?

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