Day 456

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Day 456

"Hey babe," Jessie grinned, sliding into the seat across from me. We'd both had a late night photo shoot the night before and had made plans to meet for breakfast. "So how's life in the world of Arden? I feel like I barely spoke to you last night."

I smiled at her as I messed around with the table cloth. "It's fine. Nothing too crazy."

"Oh shush," she said in her overly-British accent, swatting her hand at me. "There's no way the life of Arden Resnell has become boring. You're practically a queen in this town."

I rolled my eyes. "Says you."

"Right, says me. I can guarantee you that there are millions of girls who would die to be you for a day."

"And you think they wouldn't die to be you?" I asked, my eyebrows raised.

Jessie chuckled, shrugging. "I suppose they would. We're much too spoiled."

I laughed with her, realizing how petty my problems seemed in the light of everything.

"So, how are you?" Jessie repeated. "Did you figure out a way to spice things up with Harry?"

I shrugged. "We went on a date the other night. Did the classic sight-seeing, double-decker bus trip around London that I had been dying to do for ages."

"And?" Jessie asked, clearly seeing in my eyes that I hadn't given her the whole story.

"I don't know, Jessie. It was pretty much the same old thing. I felt like I was making conversation with my mother- just casually talking about the various sights, never really speaking, you know?"

Jessie took a deep breath, probably confused by what I meant. Most couples probably didn't have this problem. Because most relationships were bold and exciting- not boring.

Which is what confused me the most. Harry and I used to be bold and exciting. We used to be spontaneous and run off on vacation at the drop of a hat. But now, it was like visiting a relative. Something that I felt obligated to do, but maybe not something that I wanted to do.

What had happened to us?

"You're trying to tell me that Harry Styles and Arden Resnell couldn't find anything to talk about? Hunny, you two are just going through a rough patch. Trust me, you're bound to get tired of someone once you've known them as long as you two have. I'm sure it's just a phase," Jessie tried reassuring me.

I gave her a tight-lipped smile of appreciation, but her words were shallow to me.

"You guys aren't going to break up. Harry's obsessed with you, darling. Nothing bad is going to happen."

As soon as she said it, my thoughts began filling with images of our last reconciling. How I had thought it was the real deal. How I had known somewhere inside that Harry and I were meant to grow old together.

Where had that gone?

But along with those thoughts, my head also filled with remembrances of our agreement. This was our final try. It was forever or bust from this point on.

"Arden? Yoo hoo!" Jessie called, snapping me away from myself.

"Sorry, just thinking."


"Well, I didn't tell any of you guys this," Jessie leaned forward in anticipation. "But last time Harry and I got back together from a break up, we made this agreement."

"Oh, like a secret pact?" she interjected.

I shook my head. "No, we agreed that this was our last attempt. I mean, obviously you know that we've broken up a lot. And so we pretty much made a deal that the next time we break up, that's it."

Jessie looked at me with worried eyes, almost as if I had gone insane. "But why would you do that? I mean, Liam and I have fights all the time, but we always work it out. You have to give yourself some wiggle room, you know?"

I shrugged. "Yeah, but it's just so painful to think you've lost someone forever and then just end up back with them the next month. It's unfair to both of us, you know?"

"Well could that be what's putting all the stress on your relationship? Like maybe you two are too worried about breaking up, that you're sort of pushing it to be inevitable?"

I chewed on her words for a minute, pondering them. Could she be right? I wasn't sure, but there was no way to find out. We couldn't go back on the pact now- I wanted to see if our relationship really was strong enough to make it.

"I don't know, Jessie. But enough of my problems- what's been going on with Liam?" I asked, trying to sound happy.

"Oh, there's so much to tell you!" she began. She continued rambling on with all her stories and I honestly wanted to listen to them, but my mind refused. Apparently it wanted to be somewhere else. Somewhere where it was engulfed in thoughts, worries, hopes, and wishes- all centered around one person.


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