Day 472

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Day 472

Ever since the party incident, Harry and I hadn't talked much. Or at all.

We hadn't broken up, but it almost felt like it.

I sighed, forcing myself out of the bed I'd pretty much taken refuge in since the incident. Harry was driving me insane. It wasn't even that big of a fight, but since then everything else seemed to bounce around in my mind.

Things weren't the same. At all. We used to be so in love, but that was gone. I didn't get those butterflies, I didn't get nervous around him, there were no fireworks when we kissed. He was just another boy. Another boy who treated me rudely, who didn't care for me- one that I was quite frankly done with.

So, today was the day. The day that I, Arden Resnell was going to break up with Harry Styles. For good.

We had made the deal, and I knew what I was about to do.

So much had changed since we started dating. When we started dating, I was some receptionist and he was some teenager, his head full of dreams. Now? He'd achieved those dreams, and I'd achieved mine.

People may ask, do I regret this past year and a half? Well I don't. It's been full of amazing experiences. And from a more selfish point of view, I probably never would have achieved my dream of being a model if I hadn't been so publicized as Harry Style's girlfriend.

But it was over. Our relationship was boring, and frankly, we didn't have time for each other, and neither of us bothered to make time. Because we quit caring.

I changed into some skinny jeans and a simple orange tank top. Throwing my messy, dark brown hair up into a ponytail, I slipped on some flip-flops and left my apartment.

If I was going to do this, I just had to do it. Like ripping off a band-aid.

I got a cab and rode to Harry and Louis' flat, driving along the familiar roads that I'd traveled time and time again. However it was always for the reason of seeing Harry, it had never been so clearly with the intention of permanently breaking up with him.

Within no time at all, I was standing in front of the very familiar door. I raised my hand and knocked on the wood three times. No going back now.

The door swung open, revealing a very tired looking Harry. I looked into his green eyes, hoping for any kind of feeling, but received nothing.

"Ar?" he said, looking at me warily.

"We need to talk," I said, chewing on my lip slightly.

He nodded, pushing the door open and allowing me inside his flat. I didn't see Louis around, so I figured he was out. He would usually greet me if he was here. Or at least be curious about who was at the door.

Harry settled onto the couch and I followed his actions, keeping a safe distance away.

"What did you want to talk about?" he said in his deep, husky voice.

"I think we should break up, Harry," I said bluntly, getting to the point.

His eyes widened in surprise. He was probably expecting an apology for leaving the party or something. Not a break up.

"What?" he asked.

"Harry, we both know this isn't working."

Harry continued to stare at me.

"Harry, I mean, come on. We had a good run, but do you honestly think our relationship is good or healthy right now? We don't even talk."

He stared at me with a completely blank expression. "You want to break up?"

I nodded.

"Get out."

I looked at him with a stunned expression. After everything, after our entire relationship, he was just going to throw me out of his flat?

"Get out," he growled again. Pain was evident in his eyes.

I stood up, not wanting to fight with him. We'd fought enough for an entire lifetime.

Without a word, I walked to the door. As I reached the door I spun around to face him one final time. He was watching me and his eyes looked close to tears. "Goodbye Harry Styles," I whispered, just loud enough for him to hear.

Before I could change my mind, I quickly fled out the door. Once outside, I paused slightly, almost hoping that Harry would chase after me. But he didn't. The hallway remained still and silent around me.

I had broken up with Harry Styles. For good this time.

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