Tequila and Hormones=Deadly Combination

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WARNING! There is graphic sexual content in this chapter. If that offends you then don't read, but I'm not apologizing. Sex is a fact of life and love. My story would be untrue without it.

My whole getting drunk idea was proving to be more difficult than I had originally anticipated. Michaela was watching me like a hawk. I told her that I was going to get super drunk, she didn't seem to approve of the plan. Ever since then I couldn't turn a corner without seeing her watching me. It was actually pretty disturbing.

Not to mention that I haven't had one moment away from Ethan this entire time. I was all about this friendship thing, but he was being way too clingy for my comfort.

Halfway through Ethan's speech about why Bob Dylan was the greatest American musician of all time, I had to interrupt him. Although, he is right about Bob Dylan I couldn't take another minute of his babbling.

"Ethan. I'm going to get a drink. You stay here, I'll be right back." I said tacking on the "you stay here" part when I noticed his move to come with me.

He looked dejected, but still nods in agreement. I got up and walked away as fast as my little legs could take me.

I reached the table where there was a multitude of alcoholic beverages to chose from, but as I reached for a drink a hand stopped me.

"What are you doing?" Michaela asked in a disappointed tone.

This is one thing that always got me about Michaela. She is like the pinnacle of perfection, and she can be a bit uptight. I wasn't of legal age yet, but I was 20 so it's a little ridiculous that she was trying to mom me.

"What does it look like I'm doing? Those are drinks, and I'm going to ingest them." I replied sarcastically, rolling my eyes as I reached for the spiked punch bowl.

I dodged her attempt to reach for the drink and headed for the ocean ahead of me. I was going to spend the rest of the night getting blissfully drunk with my feet in the water and my ass planted in the sand.

The drink was spiked more than I had thought it would be. There was not a hint of punch flavor. It tasted like straight tequila, but I didn't mind because that was kind of the point of getting drunk.

I made my way down to the shore line and landed with a hard thud onto the ground. I leaned back and laid in the sand while my legs were in the water. I was feeling pretty tipsy, and to be honest it was a welcome relief from how I had been feeling lately.

A few minutes maybe hours later, I wasn't really sure, I heard someone plop down next to me. I didn't bother to look to see who it was or to even acknowledge them at all. Finally they spoke up.

"Why have you been acting so down in the dumps lately?" He asked in a slightly concerned and slightly perplexed tone.

"Ethan. I honestly don't think that's any of your business." I replied sourly.

"Hey, I'm just trying to be a friend. I said I wanted to try and fix things, and the first step is sharing our feelings." He said earnestly.

"What cheesy Dr. Phil shit have you been reading lately?" I asked with a slight chuckle. I hated to admit it, but he was brightening my mood a little bit.

"Oh, you know. Just the cheesy Dr.Phil shit that tells you to make a move when you have the chance." He said back to me in a weird tone.

I turned to look at him for the first time in this whole conversation. I furrowed my brow , and before I could say anything he was leaning over me planting soft familiar kisses down my neck.

I could have pushed him away had I really wanted to. He wouldn't have put up a fight. Ethan is a lot of things, but he isn't disrespectful enough to do that. The thing is that I didn't want to push him away. It had been so long since I'd had this kind of human comfort that I'd take anything I could get. Even if I was getting it from the person that I didn't really want it from.

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