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I was beginning to regret my decision to allow Michaela to drag me back to this dreadful coffeeshop. If I'm being honest I had a feeling of anxiety about seeing Brandon there. Which is odd for me because I don't get anxious ever.

Regardless of my protests and declarations of anxiety, Michaela still pulled up to the coffeeshop and parked with amazing accuracy for someone who was driving with their lowlights on. As I got out of the car I started to debate whether or not I could wrangle the keys from Michaela and drive home before she could stop me.

Just as I planned my attack she slapped me on the ass and said,"Let's go gorgeous. I already know you're thinking about your best escape strategy, but I'm here to tell you that resistance is futile."

I didn't move for a beat longer."Go on. Walk it. I'm right behind you." She said with an air of arrogance at knowing that I couldn't get the keys from her.

I went inside and picked a booth as far from the bar as possible. I might as well minimize any potential run in with Brandon.

"Hey, I gotta go pee. Can you order me my latte? Go ahead and order one for our guest too, and whatever you want. My treat." Michaela said as she stalked towards the restrooms. I didn't even have time to ask who our guest was, and I wasn't sure that I wanted to know.

I dreaded my walk up to the bar. I didn't want to talk to Brandon, but Michaela left before I could tell her that I didn't want to order. It left me very little wiggle room, especially considering that we had a "guest" coming and I didn't want to be rude.

I reached the counter and waited for the unavoidable. Right now Brandon's back was turned to me, but soon I would be face to face with him. Hopefully when that happens he won't have that same mean look on his face from the other night.

He turned around and instantly his smile fell, "You. I'm starting to feel like you come here simply to annoy me, you know?" He said in a serious voice.

"Can I get two nonfat lattes, and a white mocha?" I said ignoring his comment.

He studied me for a minute before speaking again. "You okay, Sydney?" He asked in a tone that sounded like actual concern.

I finally looked up at him and the mean look was no longer on his face. I decided to be brave with my next words, "Look, Brandon. I'm sorry I was like a mega bitch the other night. It takes me awhile to warm up to new people. I took the attitude a bit too far." I said in the most earnest of voices.

"Okay." He said with a smile plastered on his face.

"Okay? That's it? Okay, what?" I asked a little peeved that I had poured my heart out and gotten such a short response back.

"Okay. Like okay, we can be friends. I feel sorry for you after you practically groveled for my forgiveness." He said and right when I almost went off on him again I realized he was wearing a joking expression on his face.

"Awesome. So, friends?" I asked eager for his response. Part of me just wanted to hear his voice again. To see his eyes crinkle when he smiled at me.

"For sure." He said with a beaming smile.

As I turned to walk away he stopped me,"Sydney, you don't have to sit next to that asshole in Music History on Thursday. I'll save a seat for you." He said. He almost sounded like he was asking me not to sit with Ethan.

"How did you see any of that? You were sitting in front of us." I said with a puzzled look on my face.

"I know." Was all he said back, and then he winked and went back to work.

I walked back to the table dazed,with butterflies in my stomach. That means that he knew I was in the class with him even though I thought he hadn't noticed me. That also means he was sneaking peeks back at Ethan and I during class. Something about that made me giddy on the inside. However;when I walked back to the booth I maintained my cool exterior.

I noticed the back of a familiar blonde head. One that I had missed a lot this week. I had to remind myself to set the drinks in my hands down before spazzing out. I snuck up behind the pretty blonde and said boo in her ear. She shot up in the air clutching her chest.

"Don't do that!! You know I hate when you do that!" She practically shouted in the middle of the coffeeshop.

"Vannah!!! You look so good. California is treating you well." I said while hugging her.

"It's only been three days, Syd. I look the same as I did when you last saw me."she said laughing into my shoulder.

"It has only been three days. Hey, what are you doing here? It's the first week of classes." I said accusingly.

"So? I hate classes. Plus, no one cares about attendance the first week." She said unashamedly. I shrugged, she was right.

"Where's the dragon lady? She did invite me here. It's rude of her not to show up." She said referring to Michaela.

I swatted her arm and gave her a level look,"Don't be a jerk, Vannah. Can you try to get along with her? You guys are my best friends. You're ruining my dream of a trio." I said in a mock whiny voice.

"You're not starting a band weirdo."She said laughing and shaking her head.

"That's what you think." I replied wiggling my eyebrows.

Right on cue Michaela rounded the corner. She plopped into the booth and looked at Vannah. "Oh good, you made it." She said with fake enthusiasm.

I gave her a look similar to the one I gave Vannah moments earlier. She looked at me apologetically. At least she regretted it, that's more than I could say for Vannah.

"So, what's been going on with you two?" Vannah asked looking needy for juicy gossip.

Michaela jumped straight into a dialogue about Ethan and Brandon. She didn't stop to take a breather, and by the end of it Vannah looked worn out.

"Do you even have a life? You pretty much just described Syd's life. Have you even done anything?" Vannah asked in the nicest tone she could manage which wasn't very nice at all.

"No. See, I'm boring. I have to live vicariously through Sydney." Michaela responded without embarrassment. Everyone at the table burst out laughing.

"So, Ethan is in town?" Vannah asked curiously. Michaela shot her a sharp look, but it was over before I could even question it.

"Yeah. That hasn't been the highlight of my week." I responded with a sigh.

"How did he seem?" Vannah asked.

"Disgusting, gross, vomit inducing. So, pretty much the same as he always does." I answered with a fierce look in my eyes. I hadn't realized that my fists were balled up until both girls were looking at me like I was a nut job.

"Oh, I was just curious. Didn't mean to get you all worked up. On to other topics of discussion. Who is this asshole, Brandon?" Vannah asked in a slightly affronted tone of voice.

I hadn't told them about the encounter that took place around a half an hour ago, and I certainly hadn't told them how my stomach erupted in butterflies after the conversation. I honestly wanted to keep it all to myself. Like a dirty little secret.

"She wrote an awesome song about how big of a shit he is. She's performing it tomorrow right in front of him." Michaela said with a snicker.

Oh, shit. Tomorrow. I can't perform that song. Not now. It would undo everything that happened with us tonight. I grabbed my bag and darted out of the coffeeshop. Leaving my two friends in the booth looking at me in shock, but I didn't have time to care. I had enough money for a cab, and just enough time to try and think up a subpar song before tomorrow's class. It was going to be a long night.

A.N. I'm proud of this chapter. I'm not really sure why, but it was the most fun for me to write. I hope the story is picking up for anybody out there who has decided to read it. Thank you so much. Feel free to comment your opinion. I'm always open to critique. Also, I love interacting with people who read my stuff. So, shoot me a message or comment. I'd love to talk. The picture above is supposed to be Vannah, just so everyone knows.

Song of the chapter: Funny Face by Red Hot Chili Peppers because they are bad ass and I LOVE this song. I'll be seeing them live this summer, so my life is done now. 

Much love, Gabby❤️

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