Temporary Happiness

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After a half an hour of driving we found a small cottage style inn that was still booking, and it was relatively cheap. I made sure to find a place that wouldn't require a lot of money from Brandon. We would all be sharing a two bedroom room because it was all they could get us on such short notice. I parked the car, and Brandon began unloading some of our bags from the trunk of the jeep.

Leaning across the console to the back of the car I lightly nudged Michaela.

"Are we there already?" She asked alarmed with a groggy look on her face. 

"No. We stopped at an inn for the night. Let's get you up and inside so you can sleep some more." I said with slight amusement in my voice. Tired Michaela is my favorite, she has no clue what is happening around her. 

I moved around to her side of the car and helped her out, she was half asleep on my shoulder as we walked into the inn. Finally getting to our room I lightly tossed her down on the bed. She was back out of it almost instantly. 

I decided to hop in the shower and get ready for bed officially while Brandon was gone doing whatever he was doing. I take super quick showers, so I was in and out in less than 10 minutes. Including the time it took to shave my legs. I slipped into my red and black plaid sleeping shorts that were just a wee bit too short, but I wasn't anticipating having to sleep in a room with anyone but Michaela and I threw on my black fitted tank top. Tossing my head over and tying it in an extremely sloppy top knot (my signature hair), I finished getting ready by looking in the mirror while I vigorously brushed my teeth. 

When I returned from the bathroom, Brandon still wasn't back so I decided to just go ahead and crawl into bed. I was certain that he was just outside taking a smoke break, so I should just go ahead to sleep. I was waiting on him so that I could thank him for paying, but I'll just do it in the morning. Resting my head on the pillow I started to drift to sleep slowly.

Around ten minutes later my light sleep was disturbed by the sensation of pressure on the other side of the bed. I rolled over to see what was happening, and I saw Brandon in nothing but his flannel pajama pants crawling under the covers.

"What are you doing?" I asked in a tired voice. 

"Shh, don't worry about it. I'm not sleeping in a bed with Michaela, I hardly know her." He said back in a whisper. I could see the slight smirk on his face in the moonlight coming in from the window.

"Just keep your hands to yourself." I said back jokingly with a yawn. As if he even wanted to touch me. 

"Okay, Syd. Now go back to sleep unless you want to cuddle." He said in a sarcastically subdued voice.  

Blame it on the sleep deprivation or my embarrassingly intense hormones, but I scooted closer to him. It was dark so I couldn't exactly feel where he was, but he helped me by reaching out and pulling me closer to him by the waist. My back was pressed to his front and his strong arms were wrapped securely around my waist. He nestled his head into my neck, and I could feel the warmth of his breath there. I sighed out of contentment and he placed a small kiss on my neck in response. I was too tired and too happy to tell him not to. It wasn't going to go further than this anyway. 

I felt bold in the moment so I rotated to where I was facing him, but we were still just as close. Our noses were so close that an inch would have them touching. We just stared at one another for a few minutes in the complete silence. 

"I kind of think you're cute." I blurted out of no where in a whisper. What is wrong with me?

"I kind of think you've been sneaking drinks. Are you like drunk right now?" He whispered back with a cute chuckle. 

"No. I'm just stating facts." I said back in a casual tone of voice. 

"You wanna know a fact?" He asked me back in an equally casual tone. 

"I don't know. I think I'm scared of what you'll say."I joked

"I think you're so much more than cute. I'm glad you moved here, and I'm pretty sure you've already become my best friend which is crazy since I've only known you for a few months now. I'm just saying how I feel." He said back to me in a confident whisper. 

"That's not crazy. It's how I feel too. It's weird though cause we hated each other when we first started talking." I said back in a far away voice.

"Speak for yourself. I didn't hate you." He stated closing his eyes and pulling me closer. 

"Yes you did! You used to say such mean things to me." I whisper shouted in a fake angry voice. 

"Oh, that was just cause I was attracted to you. It's easier to keep away from you if I convinced myself that I didn't like you."He said back simply. 

"And now?" I asked quietly making patterns on his chest with my fingers.

"Now I'm tired." He said back closing the door on our intimate bonding moment. 

I got kind of hurt. It's not often that I open up, so I turned around so that my back was to him and moved away slightly. Not a minute later I feel his arms around me pulling me close again.

He rested his head in the crook of my neck again and whispered into it so only I could here, "And now I feel like an asshole. What I should've said is now I don't want to keep away from you. It's not worth it to me. You're too important." 

I cuddled in closer and closed my eyes drifting off to sleep. I was happy and I know it could just be the moonlight and the intimate setting that is making him say these things. I know it won't change anything tomorrow when we are still just friends. But right now I was content. 


I don't know if I'm crazy about this chapter, but I feel like I needed to write it. I'm just not sure about writing this story anymore, but we'll see. The song on the banner is Stay Awhile by She & Him. The band I listen to the most while writing this (or in life). Seriously, so talented so check them out. Please vote or comment anything it's hard not getting feedback but still getting views. I don't know if you like what I'm doing or what you would want me to change.

Much Love, Gabs 

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