Closets Are Dangerous

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I turned the keys in the ignition of my beat up Jeep. I was running a little late for my History of Music class, and my car wouldn't cooperate. It didn't help that I was still in a bad mood from the events of yesterday. The fact that Ethan was in this class loomed over me like a dark cloud. The only ray of sunlight was that Brandon had told me a few nights ago that I could sit with him instead.

I might not be sitting with anyone if I couldn't get my car to start. I took a deep breath and let my car sit for a moment.

"Please. Please start." I coaxed as I rubbed the dashboard. I turned the keys in the ignition with bated breathe. Hearing the sound of an engine coming to life, I breathed a sigh of relief and pulled out of the parking garage.

I walked through the doors of the classroom and stopped in my tracks. There was a seat next to Brandon available, but on his other side sat Allison. I was not going to sit there and watch them be America's Cutest Couple while silently dying on the inside.

I walked passed where the two were sitting because it was the only way to get to the back. I saw Allison kissing Brandon's neck in a way that wasn't really appropriate for public. The act just reaffirmed that I could not spend a whole class period sitting there. As I walked passed them to get to the back I felt Brandon's confused eyes following my trek to the seats in the back of the classroom.

I know I wouldn't be able to explain to him why I opted to sit next to Ethan rather than him, so I just hoped that he wouldn't ask me. I could endure one class sitting next to Ethan. I could do this.

I gingerly took my seat next to Ethan. Bringing my notebook out to take notes, I noticed that he hadn't started harassing me yet. I was okay with the silence, so I took the time to start my notes.

"Hey, when should we meet up to start on our project?" Ethan asked in a voice that actually sounded polite. I turned to look at him in mild surprise.

"Um, we can meet up whenever. We should meet at that coffeeshop downtown though." I replied in an equally polite voice. I made sure to meet in a public place because something about being alone with Ethan made me uncomfortable now.

"What? Are you scared to be alone with me, Syd?" He asked in what sounded like a sad tone of voice. I looked up and met his eyes. They were definitely looking wounded.

"No offense, but you can't honestly expect me to feel comfortable with you. Alone. In my apartment."I said as if it was obvious because it seemed that way to me.

He cleared his throat and plastered a tight smile on his face."Okay. Coffeeshop it is."

"Alright. How about tomorrow night? We can work on concepts." I said happy that he didn't argue the point further.

"Sure." He said in a short clipped sort of way.

"Okay." I said back making the situation even more awkward in a way that only I could manage.

A few moments passed with neither of us talking. I was looking all around the classroom to distract myself. When I looked near the front I saw that Allison was still all over Brandon, but I also noticed something else. He was looking up at Ethan and I.

He furrowed his eyebrows while maintaining eye contact with me, as if to ask me why I was sitting with Ethan. I shrugged in an evasive way, and he gave me a look that let me know that the conversation wasn't over yet.

We sat there looking at each other for a few more moments. It felt like there was no one else in the room but the two of us. Allison whispered something in his ear, breaking him out of his trance like state. He took one long look at me and turned away.

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