Papatt - A Tale of Amber

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I kick the ground as I trail behind everyone else. My best friend, Sara, gone. Disappeared. She was just 12. My little sister Phoebe holds my hand as we walk back to the small village outside the kingdom. We delivered vegetables to the upperclass people in the kingdom walls, and Sara's parents were one of our biggest customers. We saw Sara a lot. We eventually became friends. Heh. Phoebe and I are halfway down Mt Ebott when I feel it. A pull. Pushing my little sister ahead, I tell her to go find Mom and Pa. She obliges with a small nod and a touch of her index finger to her lips. She doesn't speak a lot, especially for a six year old. She's so calm and collected. Unlike me. I'm a hot head. I'm training to be a member of the Royal Guard! Then I'll look after Mom and Pa and Phoebe and we won't have to worry so much. I hate it. Mom and Pa are up until Lord knows when in the morning trying to plant seeds or make bread and produce. They think we don't notice the bags under their eyes, or the creases on their foreheads, but we do. I love my family, and I just want Mom and Pa to be happy and without worry. I look up at the cross at the top of the Mountain, wrapped with a cyan ribbon. Sara's memorial. I'm wearing my boxing gloves and my 'manly bandana'. That's what Sara called it anyway. I sit on the ground and sigh. Sara isn't dead. I know that. I'd know if she was. She's like my other little sister. I feel a connection with her. I lean back to lay down and fall headfirst into a hole. Goddamn it. I hate falling. But I keep falling.

And Falling.

And Falling.

And Falling.

Until I fall onto a pile of dirt, and I roll forwards to cushion the impact. Ouch. I snagged my shoulder on something as I rolled and I have a cut which is bleeding pretty heavily. I twist around as I stand up and catch sight of an amber bone. It's snapped in half and I can't see the other piece, but the snapped part has clearly cut me. My blood is over the sharp tip. I wrap my bandana around my shoulder and continue on through some purple corridors, bravely pushing on, even when a pressure pad stone puzzle stops me from entering the further corridors for several hours until I work out the solution. I'm not too smart, but I do like a good puzzle. If I continue on the marked path I have to find a way out eventually. I encounter some frogs and weird fly things, but by punching them I manage to keep them at bay, and even kill a few. I feel stronger each time I kill one, but I also feel regret. There are several puzzles and pitfall traps, but by using my strength and parkour skills I am able to navigate a safe path until I reach a small, empty house. I find a bed in one of the rooms by the right corridor, and I fall asleep for a while.


I awaken and feel refreshed. I check my shoulder, but it seems to have healed completely. No scar at all, which is weird. Oh well! I bounce up off the bed and head through the left corridor. There's a small living room and a kitchen, both empty. Shame, I wanted some food. I head to the central area and hang over the banister as I look down the stairs. Looks safe enough. I head down the stairs that lead to, yup, called it, more corridors. Uuuuuuuuuugh. I eventually reach a set of large purple doors that are wide open, and lead to a snowy forest. What? Wait, seriously what? Didn't I fall down into a mountain? I understand the cave-like corridors, but a Snowy Forest?! I don't get it.

Heading through the forest, I cross over a small wooden bridge. Huh. This place could use some defences. I mean, I just strolled right through this area. Huh. I pass a clearing with two boulders and an inconveniently shaped lamp with no candle in it. Huh. Okay then. I stop for a rest next to the two boulders and catch sight of two large large goats(?) one with a purple dress, and one with a small blonde goatee.
Was that a pun?
I hate/love puns. I can't decide most days if I'm into them or not. Today is a no pun day I guess. They pass by me without a single glance towards me. Huh. Okay then. I continue onwards and I'm met with a crossroads of three paths when suddenly my sight goes black. I throw wild punches until I can finally see again. I'm met with a snowflake creature thingy that looks incredibly fearsome but I'm tough enough to take this guy on. I go to swing at this guy but find my body rooted to the ground. Uh. Body? Move please. I look down and I'm shocked to see an orange heart where my body should be. I'm met with four buttons.

FIGHT        ACT          ITEM        MERCY

Of course I pick fight. The Great Papatt is undefeated! I'm tough! I'm brave! I swing several times at this snowflake monster, but miss every time. Huh. Guess I just need to get used to-

I look at the creature that has just attacked me, and I feel a painful crack in my heart. I see the monster hold up a glass jar as I float far away from the orange heart that is my SOUL. I witness as a weird skeletal dude sucks the orange glow from it and the Snowdrake escapes with the rest. I am drawn towards this guys Swiss cheese hand but I put up a fight. I notice I'm a small grey heart now. Huh. This place is weird. I nestle into his warm holey palm and wait. I'm brave. I can wait for as long as I need to.

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