We're on the Run

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(Chara's PoV)

Papyrus keeps asking me if I have seen his little fool of a brother. I keep denying that I have seen him. Pathetic baby bones. I've just hung out with Azzy and Napstablook recently, in the ruins. We threw a hella awesome rave the other night, even Mettaton turned up! It was nice to dance and feel free, even if I did feel slightly guilty about, y'know, the past. Azzy and I stole a Spider Cider from Muffet the other day, and ran for our lives after she set that weird cupcake thing on us. It's almost as big as me!

I wander hand in hand with Azzy as we traverse the Underground. It's dull down here, and I wish I hadn't cut this Timeline away from the others sometimes. I wish I hadn't killed Frisk... I don't know what I want anymore. The darkness is ever present, and I find it difficult to stay away from the lure of evil. 

I notice a frazzled looking space in the design of the world, the kind of sight that appears just before a shortcut opens. It hovers momentarily, before dispersing. Good, Sans can't get in. I expect it would take Determination to open a whole new tear in the Timeline, and they wouldn't dream of extracting it from Frisk's lifeless body.... Would they?

I shake my head and laugh, scaring Goat Bro, who merely chuckles at my antics. Nah, Sans wouldn't let Alphys touch Frisk's body out of respect. No matter how bad he wants me dead, he wouldn't desecrate her remains like that. I'm just worried about nothing. Even still, I carry my carving knife with me everywhere nowadays, just in case.

"Hey Char, what's that?" Azzy points towards a tree in the forest, and I half expect to see Sans' silhouette, but instead I see the frazzled Timeline.

"Probably just a snow cluster... Don't worry about it Azzy." I mumble. Yeah right, don't worry about the homicidal Skeleton hell bent on reaching this Timeline... easy as Butterscotch pie.  

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