Dawning Sunrise

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(Chara's PoV)

I made it. I made it to the surface in this Timeline. I can see the sun. I can feel it on my skin. Asriel stands somberly next to me, and I take his hand in mine. 

"We made it up here Azzy." I whisper in his ear, and he jerks away from me. 

"It's Asriel, and we would of been here a year ago if you had just given up your soul." Asriel pulls away and goes to stand proudly next to King Asgore and Queen Toriel, leaving me in the dust. I walk towards my family and stand in their shadow, watching as Monsters pool out of the Underground. Some give me dirty looks as they leave, others ignore me entirely. I shrink back into the darkness, the one emotion I know truly. 

"Chara Dreemurr, come stand next to your Mother and I." King Asgore orders, and I comply quickly.

"Yes Your Highness." I state, and shuffle next to the pair of them. Toriel gives me a small smile which I quickly return, then I am pushed to the side by Asriel. 

"Dad, can the three of us just go? I'm done with this mountain." Asriel complains, and the fact that he said three instead of four hurts like hell. What even happened to us? I can't remember when he gained this cold exterior.

"Yes, but you forgot your elder sister." Asgore mumbled, before pulling his deep plum cloak tighter around his shoulders.

"Not my sister, just some human who defected so she was useless." Asriel mutters under his breath, but Toriel hears him.

"Asriel Dreemurr, take that back." She hisses, and I sense the immediate fight.

"Toriel, Your Highness, it was nothing. I deserved that." I quickly intervene before they can start the verbal wars.

"If you're sure Darling." Toriel smiles sadly at me, and I know she misses me calling her Mom. I guess I'm just not one of the family anymore. 

I'm the outcast again.

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