Frisk's DreamTale

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"So, this isn't even real?" I ask the Sans and Chara in front of me. 

"Nope, this is dream, well, a nightmare. We're everything you can't bear to happen. Which is super sweet. It means you don't want to lose Sans or Chara from your Timeline." This weird Chara has a super distorted voice, which keeps putting me off.

"So, you two aren't even Sans or Chara?" 

"Nope, merely figments of your imagination turned real by your lucid dreams." The Sans thing doesn't even move his mouth when he talks. Super freaky. I shrug and laugh, and the two turn to smoke and change to someone else. Their voices change pitch and tempo lots as they begin to settle into the three people I fear the most.

"Everything you can't bear to happen." Are the last words I hear from (almost?) Sans' mouth. 

I come face to face with my parents and my little sister and gulp nervously. 

"You pathetic, useless, stupid child. Can't you do anything right?" My Father raises his arm, and I notice the belt in his hand. I flinch and end up with a cut across my cheek and I sniffle, tears pricking my eyes.

"Oh look, now she's going to cry. Worthless waste of space. You shouldn't of been born! You were nothing but a stupid mistake!" My Mother slaps me on the same cheek and grabs my arm, her sharpened nails digging into my arm and breaking the skin. I know better than to cry. 

"Hah, you should be better behaved, then you would be like me! Then we can play together Frisk!" My little sister, Fran, giggles eerily at me.

Mother shoves me down the basement stairs and I hit my head on the low-hanging metal pipe halfway down. I curl up into a ball as she slams the door shut and locks it. My vision slowly adjusts to the dark, and I see the bright eyes of Fran's kitten, Mr Midnight.  He struts over to me and licks my cuts, healing them. 

"Hello Mr Midnight, how are you today?" I ask softly, gently stroking his black fur with my hands. He purrs softly and flicks his tail mischievously, nodding at the window on the far wall. It's small, but I can squeeze through. Mr Midnight and I usually go on wanders after the evil Parents lock me down here. They forget to lock the window too.

Tonight is especially cold, and I feel Mr Midnight slink between my legs like a little rascal. We walk up the trail on Mount Ebott, and I feel a shiver of antici... pation. Like I should know what's about to happen. 

Mr Midnight runs over to a small hole in the Mountain, and I stumble blindly to see what he's found.

And then, without warning, Mr Midnight slinks between my legs and causes me to trip face forward.

Straight. Into. The. Hole.

A soft, purring voice makes it's way into my ears as I fall, deeper and deeper into the cavernous expanses of the UnderGrounds.

"It's better this way. Goodbye sweet Frisk, and say Hello to your true family." 

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