Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

*Tia’s POV*

College. Music lesson. Jade. I need to tell her now. I walk into her classroom with Kerry beside me “I will come a see you in a bit. Just got to go speak to Jade” I tell Kerry as she nodded and went to sit down next to Nathan. “Hello Tia, how are you? I can see the bump developing” Jade said to me with a smile “Ha, yeah. I am ok thanks. I just need to talk to you about the musical” “you are dropping out aren’t you?” I paused looked at the ground then nodded my head “yeah, I am. Sorry but I am just getting warn out and everything. I don’t mind helping with other things though? Costumes backing anything. But I can’t do like moving about and stuff” I tell her. She nods “its ok. I understand. We will find you something else to do so you are still involved but not a lead. Might mean lighting or something like that” Jade told me. I nodded “okay, sure.” She smiled “go sit down then. I got to give you your next assignment” she tells me and I do what she says. I take a seat in between Conor and Kerry ready to hear what Jade had planned for us. “Good morning guys. Hope you had a nice weekend. Now I know a lot of you have been practicing for HSM but don’t worry to much about that as we aren’t officially doing it until second term. Anyway well done again for those duet assignments you did about a month ago…” Jade was saying. I could feel Nathan’s staring at me so I turned and gave him a little smile before snapping my head back towards Jade. “Now I want you to do write your own song and perform it on your own. It has to last at least 2 and a half minutes but can be no less than that. It can go above that but no more than 4 and a half minutes. Sorry guys but that is exam board rules.” She told us “can it be about anything?” Tom asked and Jade nodded “yep. Absolutely. You can make it a party song and sad song and love song. Whatever. It can even be a rap. As long as it fits within the boundaries it doesn’t matter what genre you choose.” Jade told us. We all nodded as we understood what she meant. “I will give you some time to think about it. Your performances will be 3 weeks today. Not a long time. I am sorry” she told us “now I am just going to go and speak to Nick and Karen. I will let you get on with it” she told us as she smiled and left the room. “Well Nathan you are sorted” Conor joked referencing to the fact he wrote the song just the way you are for Kerry. “And so are you babe” I tell Conor again referencing to the song he sang me “nah I am not going to do that one. I got another idea” he told me and I just nodded. “What are you going to do Kerry?” Anna asks from the other side of the room. “I dunno, I am defo gunna use my decks though” she said. That made everyone laugh. “Well I am going to use my guitar” Tom said. We were actually all getting excited about it. We all had ideas and we were all sharing them. It was as if the group was back together again and none of us were fighting. “Are we allowed to go?” Becca asked “I think so, Jade didn’t say we have to stay did she?” Nathan also queried. “Well I am going cos I need to work on a song” George said. One by one we got up and left. We did have a song to work on. “Did you want some help with yours babe. I already got some idea on what I wanna do” Conor asked me as we walked out of the door. I nodded “ok, shall we go to the music room again?” I asked. “Nah, we only had one lesson today. Come back to mine, you can work on it there” Conor said with a cheeky smile as we left college and went to Conor’s hand in hand.

*Kerry’s POV*

“Wanna come over to mine? I can help you since I am going to do just the way you are for mine” Nathan askes me. “Ok sure. I just got to go to my house to grab my decks. You don’t mind driving me do you?” I asked him. Not at all, come on” he said as we walked out of college and hopped into his car. When we got to mine. I noticed that mum and dad were there. “Oh God” I said. What’s wrong?” Nathan asked me as we got out of the car. “Mum and Dad are here. They are not happy I am with you. I told them I had split up with you cos if not I would still be grounded. They are going to kill me” I admitted to Nathan. “No they won’t. I will protect you” Nathan told me as we walked into my house. “Hi mum dad. I am just getting my decks and-“ I was cut off “I THOUGHT YOU SAID YOU WEREN’T WITH HIM ANYMORE?!” My dad snapped at me his glare fixed to Nathan. “Dad. We got back together” I said truthfully “Not on my watch. You are too young for a boyfriend Kerry!” he shouted at me again “Michael not here not now. Look how well they are together. They are teenagers. She isn’t your little princess anymore” my mum said. Backing me up. She went up to Nathan and gave him a hug “it is nice to meet you Nathan. You better be looking after her” she told him “I am Mrs Thorpe. I love her and will always look after her” he told her. My dad just continued to give him daggers. “Er well me and Nathan have got to go write a song so I am just getting my decks then going to his” I told my parents “ok sweetie. Be good” she said. I ran upstairs with Nathan and fished out my decks. When I found them I ran back downstairs only for Nathan to be stopped by my dad. He grabbed Nathan’s wrist and stared at me whilst saying “look here sunshine. If I hear you have been a little shit towards my daughter you won’t see the last of me” “DAD LET GO OF HIM!” I shouted at him. He let go. I looked my dad in the eyes with fury “YOU CAN BE SUCH A JERK SOMETIMES!” I shout at him again “Can’t you see I love him?!” I finished before taking Nathan’s hand and walking outside to the car. “I am really sorry about him. Here let me look?” I ask Nathan as he held out his wrist. It was slightly bruised. I went to touch it and as I did he winced “oh my God and am really sorry” I said as I hugged him. “It’s ok. I have had worse” he told me. “When we get to yours I will sort it out for you” I tell him. He nodded and I kissed him on the cheek before he buckled up and we drove off back to his.

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