Chapter 54

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Chapter 54

*Tia’s POV*

I stood outside waiting for Conor to open the door. I had dropped Amelie over to Andrea and Jay. They had moved in together now and they said they would look after her whilst I went to Conor’s. They knew that we had a row the other day and I was off to sort it out. I was panicking. What was he going to look like after a few weeks? Was he going to be just like before? Was he going to be wasted? Had he changed but most of all how was I going to tell him that Nathan and I had sex…… The door opened he stood there just staring at me. He looked quite tired. “Hi” I managed to say. I was so scared not going to lie “Tia, nice to see you” he said “er, come in” he told me. I hesitantly stepped inside his house “Where’s Amelie?” Conor asked me shutting the door “Andrea and Jay are babysitting her for a bit” I told him. He nodded and then there was silence…. “So how have you been” Conor said breaking the silence “Um yeah ive been good” I smiled. Silence again. “Look I-” “I just-“ we both said at the same time. This was awkward “You first” Conor said “No you first” I tell him. He sighs “okay, I just want to say how sorry I am for being a complete jerk the other day. I really am sorry for hurting you and scaring you too. Whilst you’ve been gone, I wrote you a song. Wanna hear it?” he asked me. I loved it when Conor wrote me songs. I nodded and followed him upstairs. I got to his room and then the memories came flooding back…

“Conor, st…op” I try to say. What was he doing to me. I was so scared. He had my arms gripped tight and I couldn’t move them. I could move my legs either. I tried to squirm free but it wasn’t happening “let me go!” I said again and again in between screams. He was mad. He put his hand over my mouth clasping it tightly. It was horrible. It felt as if I couldn’t breathe. “Shhhhh! Don’t scream! Why don’t you trust me?” he said. Whispering cunningly in my ear.

Just that thought made me shiver. But I now think that Conor has actually changed. “Listen” Conor’s voice said breaking me out of my thoughts. I took a seat on the bed. I was shaking but nevertheless I let Conor sing to me. (

“Wow Conor that was beautiful” I tell him. But then I feel a deep feeling of guilt inside of me. I had sex with Nathan and he needed to know. “Conor I nee-“ I was cut off as a finger was placed on my lips “don’t speak baby.” Conor tells me. He then removed his finger and placed a wet kiss on my lips. We then shared a passionate. I’ve missed Conor’s touch and his kisses. Being away from him these past few weeks killed me but it was for the best. I then fall back onto the bed as he moves closer and closer on top of me still placing small wet kisses all over my body. Up my arms and around my neck. “Am I forgiven?” he asked me as I wrapped my arms around his neck. I giggled and nodded “yes you are” I tell him. He then kisses me again. “Baby let me show you im for real” he whispered pressing his forehead against mine. I looked into his glossy eyes and nodded, giving him another passionate kiss. He pulled away and made his way to the bathroom. “Babe where you going” I asked him “Just freshening up” he said from the bathroom. I then thought about the time I promised him id wear lingere for him again. I think this is the right time for me to do it. Show him what he’s missed ;) I quickly went downstairs and took out the lingerie out of my bag ( and went back upstairs in his room. I put on the lingerie and laid back on the bed, my chest lifted up and one of my arms above my head. When he returned he saw me and his eyes widened. “Baby y-y-y-you look amazing” he stuttered. I got up and walked over to him wrapping my arms around his neck. “You know that promise I made you, well I decided this was the right time to give it you” I said seductively. I probably sounded stupid but I gave it a try. “I’ve missed this” he whispered as his eyes roamed my body. Our lips crashed together and Conor lifted me up, my legs wrapped around his torso. He carried me over to the bed, still kissing me and lay me on the bed. I removed the lingerie off me and Conor took off his shirt, jeans and boxers. He took something out of his bedside draw. It was a condom. He put it on and positioned himself on me. I am having sex again. I get about don’t I? Before I knew it he enters inside of me causing me to moan extremely loudly. He then started to thrust me and with every thrust he makes me pant hard. “Conor baby yh huhhhuuhhh” I stutter. His groans got louder and louder as his thrusts got vigorous and his lips banged against mine. I forgot everything that happened between us. This is what was meant to be. Me and him together. But something still wasn’t right. He still didn’t know about me and Nathan’s little encounter and I wasn’t sure how he was going to understand.

*Conor’s POV*

After me and Tia had sex we just laid on the bed. Her head was on my chest and I gently stroked her hair. But I could tell there was something up with Tia. “Are you ok?” I asked her. She looked at me in a confused way before saying “Huh? Oh yh I am fine” I wasn’t convinced “there is something bothering you isn’t there. Did I take it too far with the sex thing? I am sorry it’s just-“ I was cut off “No! No it’s not that. It’s just… Well.. I have… I need. Ugh I don’t know!” Tia said. “Tia, you can trust me now. I am not going to hurt you please just tell me what’s up” I asked her “I don’t want you to freak out. Please” she tells me. This must be serious “I promise” I tell her.. “Okay, the night I left you I didn’t go to my mums. I went to Nathan’s. I just needed some male advice and he was the only one I thought of. But things got heated and well. We had sex. BUT I LOVE YOU! And I told him that we shouldn’t have done it! We agreed we were going to tell you and Kerry and well. I have told you. Please don’t be mad!” She said. I couldn’t believe what I just heard. I was fuming. “He fucking couldn’t keep away could he?” I snarled putting my clothes back on. “Conor it didn’t mean anything, I was just angry” Tia said sitting up in the bed. “Yeah it might not of meant anything to you, but I bet it did to him” I said as I finished getting changed. “It didn’t though he even said it was a mistake” Tia said. “Yhh he said that, doesn’t mean he’s telling the truth does it? I knew hed do this, I know he stills likes you too, he fucking lied to me” I shouted. Why couldn’t he just back off and face that im with Tia. “Do you hate me?” Tia asked me. I looked at her. I could see she was upset. “Im annoyed with you but I don’t hate you!” Tia then quickly got changed. “I am going round there” I told her as I headed over to the bedroom door. “No Conor! You can’t! Please I don’t want any more trouble” Tia cried as she yanked my arm so I was facing her. “NO MORE TROUBLE? HES THE ONE WHOS CAUSED IT SO IM GOING TO SORT HIM OUT” I shouted at her. I then left the room as anger built up inside me “Conor! Wait! Please don’t do this” Tia cried as she followed me. I needed to knock some sense into that lad. Big time.

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