Chapter 43

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Chapter 43

*Nathan’s POV*

“Okay so have you got everything for Kerry?” Annie asks me. I stayed the night over Kerry’s parents as it was late that night when I left the hospital. Kerry’s dad, Mark, wasn’t too pleased about it but Annie just told him to deal with it or bugger off. It made me laugh really. How much of a jerk Kerry’s dad actually was. “Yes Annie. I have everything I think she would need. Her glossy magazines, some more PJ’s her IPod a few DVDs and stuff” I told her. “Brilliant, well we better getting going. You coming?” Annie asked Mark who was sitting on the sofa looking at the newspaper. “She got herself in this mess. She needs to be made feel guilty about what she has done” he said. “Umm, sorry sir but she is your daughter and you don’t care about her?” “It is not your place to say whether or not I care about her or not!” he shouted at me “Mark. He has a point, she was extremely ill and still is quite ill! She is your daughter” Annie said. There was silence. Annie shook her head picked up her keys and her bag ready to leave the house when there was a knock at the door. “Who is that?” Mark shouted from the other room. Annie opened the door and two police officers stood at the door. One male and one female. “Hello there I AM pc Kent and this is my colleague PC Wilkinson, we are looking for a Mr Mark Thorpe” One of the officers said. Mark got up off the sofa and walked to the front door. He looked shifty. “Problem officers?” He asked. “Mark Thorpe, I am arresting you for the assault of Conor Maynard” the male officer started as he got out some cuffs and started to put them on Mark. “WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT! THIS IS NOT FAIR IT IS CONOR YOU NEED TO BE ARRESTING NOT ME!!” He shouted. I looked at Annie. Her face was a mixture of shock hatred and horror. She wasn’t happy. “You do not have to say anything, but it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence. Do you understand?” the male officer finished “NO I DO NOT UNDERTAND, ARESST THAT FUCKING ARSE HOLE CONOR!” “Hey! Calm down! Come on!”. The male officer said and took Mark away using a bit of force. “We will keep you up to date as much as we possibly can Mrs Thorpe.” The female officer said “oh, don’t worry about that officer, I am not exactly going to see him anymore. How do I go about a divorce? And would I be able to keep the kids” she asked the officer. “Mrs Thorpe, if your husband is imprisoned for the assault then the kids are automatically your responsibility. I will keep in touch. Now I think you have a daughter you need to go see” the female officer told her as she walked away. “Are you ok Annie?” I asked. She nodded “I am fine. Come on lets go see our girl yeah” she said as we walked out of the house and drove to the hospital.

*Tia’s POV*

With Conor’s eye stitched and all better it was back to Kerry’s room we go. When we arrive Kerry was asleep and we see Nathan and Kerry’s mum there. “Hello” I say as we walked in quietly. “Hi there Tia, Conor.” Nathan said. “This is Conor?” Kerry’s mum asked pointing to Conor. “Umm yeah, I am Conor” Conor said holding out his hand waiting for Kerry’s mum to shake it but instead she just pulled him into a hug. It was kind of awkward. “I just want to say thank you. For getting rid of my husband.” She said letting go of Conor. We all looked really confused “err, you are welcome. I guess?” Conor said. Quite frankly we didn’t know what to say. “You know kids…” (ever since we were little she still called us kids) “I am really sorry about what my husband has done and said to you. Nathan, you are an amazing boyfriend for Kerry and I have all the respect for you. Conor you are a strong man and I am incredibly sorry he hit you and Tia. I found out he called you a slut. You are not. You are an amazing girl and ever since you became friends with Kerry I knew you two would be best friends and you always direct her in the right way. I know you all look out for Kerry and I am very grateful” she told us. We all smiled “thank you Annie. We all really appreciate it” Nathan said. “Uhhh” we heard Kerry wake up. “Alright Kerry.” Conor said as he was the first one she saw when she woke up. “Hey” she said as she realised Nathan and her mum was here too. “You ok baby girl, sleep well?” Nathan asked her as he kissed her on the cheek. She nodded. “Mum, has dad been arrested?” she asked. Annie nodded “yeah, he did but it’s ok. Lauren is staying with Aunty Lynn so its all ok” she told her. We talked for a while, about how excited we were for HSM and telling Kerry’s mum funny stories about rehearsals and stuff when two police officers walked in. “Good afternoon I am PC Wilkinson and this is my partner PC Kent, sorry to disturb you again Mrs Thorpe” the female officer said “we have just come to speak to Conor Maynard” she said. “I’m Conor Maynard” Conor said “Hello Conor, look we need you to come down to the station so we can ask you some questions” she explained to him “is this an arrest officer?” I asked. She shook her head “not at all, just need to ask a few questions” she said “Why can’t you just ask your questions here!” Conor said “Mr Maynard we need to ask the questions back at the station. Please would you just come with us. It won’t take long” “No! I don’t want to go! I want to stay here and support Nathan and Kerry!” he defended “Hey mate, it is ok. Go and do what you need to do. We will be ok” Nathan said “come on baby, just calm down. I will come down the station with you. Besides I would like to make a statement anyway” I told him and the officers “very well, you may come down to the station as well” the officer said. We grabbed our things “we will talk to you soon Kerry” I tell her. She nodded as we left the room and down to the station with Conor and the police officers.

*Conor’s POV*

I was sat in a little room. Not one of the interrogation rooms that the prisoners were questioned but a nicer room with comfier seats. I was given a glass of water as well. Then the two police officers entered “hello Conor, thanks for coming down to talk to us” PC Kent said “I just did this cos my girlfriend made me” I told them honestly “well, there are just a few questions we need to ask that is all” PC Wilkinson said with a smile on her face. “Ok so let’s get started. Can you tell me exactly what Mr Thorpe did to you to get that black eye?” PC Kent asked me. “he hit me” I simply said “we gathered that Mr Maynard, please can you explain to us what happened?” PC Wilkinson emphasised “Basically we had a party for our friend Jay. We had it round Kerry’s house and when she had her accident Tia and I stayed to clean up the house. We were about to leave when Mark came to the front door and pinned me to the wall” I explained “why?” PC Wilkinson asked “I dunno, it’s something to do with my dad and him. Long story but basically I got into a fight at school with his best friend’s son over me flirting with this boys ex girl friend or something. Silly really but he wasn’t happy about it.” “Ok but that doesn’t explain why he pinned you to the wall” PC Kent ask me “I don’t know! You should be asking him! I guess my only thought would be he didn’t want me in the house but Mrs Thorpe was fine with it.” “then what happened?” PC Wilkinson asked “ok so he pinned me to a wall and my girlfriend tried to tell him to stop, tried to pull him away but he pushed her to the ground. My girlfriend is pregnant and if he has hurt my child I am seriously going to make him pay!” I said in fury “ok Conor, calm down. Just tell us what you did? Did you hit him back?” PC Wilkinson said. I paused then gently nodded “I admit, I did hit him and we did fight. But it wasn’t hard! I didn’t cause a mark and it was to protecting my girlfriend. It was merely just threat!” I said in my defence. “Carry on” PC Kent told me “I went over to Tia and hushed her cos she was so scared. As I was doing so he decided to tackle me to the ground and that is when we start to fight. He then hit me. In the eye and it was blurry and it hurt ok!” I told them. “And then?” “And then me and Tia left. And that was it” I finished off. “Well, that are all the questions we need to ask for now. We are not going to arrest you for hitting Mr Thorpe as no physical evidence on his body shows but this is a warning ok Mr Maynard? If we here that you have been assaulting other people we will make an arrest ok?” PC Kent explained to me. “Ok, I’m sorry. Erm is Tia done?” I asked. “She is just finishing off her statement and then she will be with you” PC Wilkinson explained as I nodded and they left leaving me in the room on my own again.

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