Lost and Found by imallama42

55 1 0

29 July 2013

Q1. What's the name of the book?

A. Lost and Found

Q2. What is the genre of your book?

A. Fantasy/Fanfiction

Q3. What gave you the  idea for your book?

A. I couldn't find any mermaid fan fictions that were written exactly the way I wanted to read one, and I also had a couple of different ideas so I decided to experiment with mermaids. :)

Q4. Can you give a summary of your book? 

A. When Louis Tomlinson and Harry Syles find this girl on the beach, they are intrigued. They want to know more, and get to know her. 

But Nyssa has a special secret, and she's not ready to give it up yet, especially to these boys she hardly knows. Nyssa's self defence is different to most other people's. Nyssa sings. She gives the lyrics power and meaning and though humans cannot understand the language, she can still instruct them to do simple commands.

However, she can only manage to keep them away for a short amount of time before they break her spell. 

Nyssa tries to push them away again, but she is not strong enough. Mentally OR physically.

Q5. Why do you believe it is a good read?

A. I think it's a good read because its refreshing and different from all the other mermaid books. I've taken time to actually think about my mermaids as a species and I've always found them a little unbelievable in other books because of the lack of information, but hopefully I've covered that in mine. 

Q6. What would you like to say to those  who read your book?

A. Thank you for giving it a go, and I hope you enjoy it. If you comment it inspires me to write and update faster, and also helps me to improve. :)

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