These questions are all from other writer's asking about interviews. If you wish to know anything else feel free to ask.
Do the books have to be complete to be interviewed?
My Answer
No, I interview complete and incomplete.
Can you interview Poetry?
My Answer
Yes, I interview any genre.
Can I be interviewed for more then one book?
My Answer
Yes, I allow up to three books per writer to make sure too many spaces are not all taken by one writer. This means if you have already used three interviews you must switch one of the current ones in the two books for your new one.
Is there a catch?
My Answer
No, I only want to help other writers get known. Please do let me know of any changes however as I try to keep everything updated and it will make keeping everything current. However, It will also benefit you by showing readers you are committed to the book that was interviewed and approachable by demonstrating communication. It also will lessen the chances of readers getting confused by there being two different covers or the external link taking them to a different named book.
Feel free to ask anything you want!
Book Interviews
Non-FictionReasons to look inside 1. You want to be nosy. 2. You read one of the interviewed books before. Vote for it if you enjoyed it so that you help the writer. 3. You like to help the writers. 4. You want to have an interview but see what happens with...