Deadly in Disguise by HARLZ2468

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4 August 2013

Q1. What's the name of the book?

A. Deadly in Disguise

Q2. What is the genre of your book?

A. Teen Fiction and Action

Q3. What gave you the  idea for your book?

A. Just popped up in my head

Q4. Can you give a summary of your book? 

A. Its about a badass girl in her last year of high school and well she is somehow related to the mafia (don't want to tell too much)...but here is the description:

Meet Angelina Elyse a badass senior in high school. She may act like a normal high school teen but she isn't and never will be. 

Add in the mafia, humorous and unbreakable friendship, and crazy love. What do you get? The most craziest action ever.

 But this is just this beginning... who will last and who will not? Trust no one, but trust everyone.

The game is on.

Q5. Why do you believe it is a good read?

A. Because it is a mix of action and well teen fiction but I made it more suspenseful so people would wanna know the answers... Idk what else to say

Q6. What would you like to say to those  who read your book?

A.Thanks for reading my book and hope you enjoy! :) 

Click the external link to go straight to the interviewed story.  

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