Chapter 2- Choices

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My constant thinking about the apparent future was almost too overwhelming for me to deal with. I could barely pay attention to where throughout the palace Ahkmenrah and I were walking to. I was thankful that I had taken hold of his arm again, otherwise I would have missed all of the turns we had taken. The palace was huge, and it was easy to get lost in the maze-like hallways. I had a limited time to choose how my fate would play out, only given two days to make my final decision.

Merenkahre had made up his mind about what would happen to me, and had given me the choice of how I would live out the rest of my days. He gave me the choice of marrying Ahkmenrah within the next 6 months, my disguise being a real goddess. He said it would be easy convincing all of Egypt, telling them that I had been sent here by the gods, and had no recollection on my past. My name had a bigger influence on that part, meaning 'The goddess of mystery". If I go along with this, I wouldn't have to create stories about my past to others, and it also meant no one would ask questions about it, too. But I wouldn't be allowed to find a way home, no searching for a way. Touching the tablet was definitely out of question, seeing as that was my way here. I doubt it would send me back anyhow, whatever magical being or force wanted me here, was definitely not going to let me leave.

I was also given the other option of working my days out here in the palace. I would become one of the 'slaves' as they called them, and help the others clean the palace. Merenkahre also told me he would help me find a way home. But i knew that there was no way it was ever going to work, I knew I was stuck here in Ancient Egypt and there was no way of getting back. I was leaning more toward the first option, but there was a huge burden on my shoulders if I were to become a queen, and a 'goddess'.

Ahkmenrahs quiet, but deep voice had interrupted my train of thought, "We're here". He opened the door to his bedroom, where I will be staying for the next two days until I have made the decision. I smiled shyly at him, ducking my head down as I passed him walking in to the large room. Walking the first thing I noticed were the large cushions o the left side of the room in the corner, with smaller pillows on top of the two large cushions- a sitting area. On the right side of the room there was a large mattress on the floor, with silk drapes hanging from the ceiling wrapping around parts of it, and silk sheets and pillows neatly made on top of it. It was a large bed, taking up a good part of the room, slightly larger than a king size bed. To the left of the bed, the wall opposite of the door, there was a large window, with a window seat right in front of it, giving you a beautiful view of the city. There was a large desk next the window, with beautiful carvings drawn into it, and many papers and books stacked on top of it.

I had made my way over to the window, allowing Ahkmenrah into the room after I was busy taking in the room. I stared out the window, noticing all of the houses and small shops set up all the city. People rushing about to get from the produce stand, to the stand selling patterned fabric. It wasn't much different from the busy city of New York, although New York City was more advanced with cars, lights and tall skyscrapers. I wasn't sure exactly what to talk about with Ahkmenrah, it was an awkward thing to share a bed with a man that you had only met moments ago and could potentially marry each other.

Thankful that he had broken the silence, I turned to face him as he spoke. "Lunch will not be for another two hours, would you like a tour of the palace before then?" He sounded shy, stumbling over a few of his words and blushing as he spoke to me. I smiled, easing some of the tension between us, "I would love to". His face wasn't as flushed as when he asked me, and a smile took over features, his mood brightening. He held out his arm for me, and led me out of the room again.

I had taken off my heels in his room before we left, and was now walking barefoot around the large palace. We had traveled all throughout his home for the next two hours, to the kitchens, the garden and my favorite spot- the library. There was small talk between the two of us the whole time, and not a single moment of silence. I had told him many stories of New York, about my parents, Larry, and the museum. In exchange he told me stories of Egypt, the customs, the many cities, and his life growing up. He was brought up since the moment he was born to become Pharaoh, instead of his older brother. He hadn't spoken too much of Kahmunrah, and I assumed that they weren't close at all.

Ahkmenrah and I had ended up in the library after lunch, scavenging through the massive amount of books. After some time we had each found a book we wanted to read, and heading back to his room. We found our respective spots, me on the cushions and him at his desk, claiming he had some work to do first. The silence took over throughout the room, except for the occasional paper crinkling, or a page turning. It was comfortable, and silence was something I needed after this long day.


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