Chapter 13- Death is Inevitable

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            The one thing that everyone knows they can never avoid, is death. No matter how well you take care of yourself, or how well your health is, death can always be right around the corner, waiting to bite. Even if you always convince yourself that you're not scared to die, your final moments will always be your worst ones- but it may sometimes always be your best. You think that you're ready to die, but nobody is ever really ready to die, right?

Death is horrible, but what is equally as horrible is how bad it effects those around it. People are distraught for days, not understanding how something so bad can ruin a life that seems so good. But death can bite anyone, when you least expect it or when you know it's coming. You do everything you can to avoid to avoid the thing that's been haunting you since birth, but it will never work. The moment you're born your clock is ticking down to the moment you die. It could be seconds, minutes, months or years before the inevitable finally happens. But what you can do, is enjoy every second you can, and enjoy life the way it is before you lose it.

That's exactly what Merenkahre and Shepseheret did, they spent their days as it was their last. They knew it was coming, they could die from a disease, or be murdered by someone who wants the throne. They spent each other with each other, and created life on the earth just as they destined- like they were soul mates that were meant together. Only one of these things happened to one of them, and it was the person we had least expected it from.

He was a strong and caring man, and beloved by everybody- well almost everyone. We were convinced he would make it back, he had fought in to many wars and was skilled. This is another one of those moments where something bad ruins something that's so good- like a storm in the middle of rainbow. The stab wound had worsened, and had become infected, on top of the poison that was already slowly killing him. This had speed up the process more, and had only given us less than a week left to spend with him.

The first death was painful, and the second had hit everyone even worse. The entirety of Egypt had fell into what seemed to be a depression for a few days after. The streets were barren, very few people exiting their homes, leaving to buy food. It had hit Ahkmenrah just hard, if not more. He would barely eat during meals, and I could rarely get him to leave bed. The death of his mother and father was not easy for him, especially all in one day.

After Merenkahre had died, Shepseheret had decided she wanted to be with him in the afterlife. She couldn't bear the thought of living without her husband for another hour, and drank a concoction of poisons that had instantly killed her. We already had the funeral for both of them, the only time that Ahkmenrah had left our room. I've been planning our coronation that is today, but there hasn't been much to do but to plan the feast for after.

My dress had turned out beautiful, and looked even better than the sketch that we had made. This was the first day in a week that I had gotten Ahkmenrah out of bed, but he looked refreshed and energized- probably because all he did this week was sleep. I could barely convince him to let me leave to get ready, but after half an hour he had finally let me go. We were now standing behind the palace doors, we had just been crowned, and we're now waiting to see the crowd of people waiting outside the palace.

My anxiety was through the roof, and I managed to convince Ahkmenrah to do all the talking for us. I felt bad for making him do this, but he repeatedly told me that it was fine, and understood why I couldn't talk in front of the crowd. The doors had opened before us, and Ahkmenrah had to practically pull me out. We were announced as the new King and Queen of Egypt, and before I knew it, Ahkmenrah had already given his full speech. I managed to keep a bright smile during the entire thing and not have a panic attack, which was really good.

We had time to kill before the feast, and we had both decided to take a walk around the garden. Our hands intertwined, the weight of the crown bearing down on my head. "How does it feel to be Queen now?" He turned his head for a second, giving me a smile. I let out an almost forced laugh, "Probably just the same as it feels for you to be King" Ahkmenrah began swining our hand slightly, both of us letting out a laugh he replied "so, complete different but also like nothing's changed at the same time, and like you have this big weight on your shoulders?" We had stopped at a table, the same one that I sat at with Shepseheret not to long ago, our hands still intertwined on top of the table. "Exactly, except the weights not on my shoulders but on my head because of this crown."

His loud laugh had echoed through the garden, and was something that I could listen to every day. He made a motion with his hand for me to come forward "here, that better?" he had taken the crown off my head, and placed on the space next to us. I nodded my head, a small giggle escaping my lips, "much better." We had sat in silence for some time, stealing kisses from each other ever so often. "You know, if we could just do this every day, I don't think I would mind all the stress from being King." He glanced down at our hands, playing with my fingers.

I set my hand on top of his, "I think I'll make a mental note to drag you out here every day for lunch." I could notice Masika walking up the pathway, her interrupting Ahkmenrah from continuing our conversation. "The feast is ready, My Queen, all nobles have already taken their seats." Her timid voice had grown quite confident since I met her, and she had no longer stumbled over her words. I had confided many things in her, and she had shared her troubles with me also. I nodded my head, "Thank you, Masika." I quickly stood up, and pulled Ahkmenrah up with me. We had made our way to the dining hall, Masika following us. The doors had opened for us, and we were announced once more as King and Queen. It would take some getting used to being Queen, but I knew ic ould do it for Ahkmenrah

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