Chapter 18- Alternative Ending

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Waking up on a cold, concrete floor was not a situation anyone wanted to be in. Black spots faded from my vision, taking in my surroundings. It had taken me a moment before realizing that there were two people standing over me. I had immediately recognized both of them- Larry and Ahkmenrah. I was confused to what was happening, not remembering what had happened earlier.
All I could remember was everything that I had dreamt about in the past- who knows how long. I quickly stood up, stumbling slightly over the dizziness. They had both caught me, each grabbing an arm and steadying me. "Maybe you should have a seat" Ahkmenrah spoke, his voice sounding concerned. "Yeah, that sounds like a good idea." My eyes went wide, realizing that I had spoken in Egyptian.
I knew why I had spoken it, but I didn't think anything in the dream had been true- just me fantasizing. Once I had sat down on one of the cushions in the exhibit, Larry stood in front of me with a perplexed look on his face. "What did you just say?" I looked down at my hands, eyebrows scrunching "I said that's a good idea," I paused, "in Egyptian."
Larry nodded, laughing comically, "Is this some type of prank you kids are pulling?" Ahkmenrah looked at him, "Larry, this is no joke. I think she knows." His eyes widened, Larry rubbing his face as he spoke, "Alright, I'll let you guys talk." He walked out, swinging his flashlight, looking back for a second before turning back around.
Ahkmenrah sat next to me, grabbing one of my hands and rubbing his thumb over the back of it. "Did we used to be married?" My eyebrows raised, eyes going wide realizing what I just said. He nodded, giving me a soft smile, "Yes, we did. So you remember everything?" I nodded, going through everything I could remember form my 'dream', "We ruled Egypt, and we had a son together," I choked on my words, remembering the worst part of my dream, "and Kahmunrah killed us. That's when I woke up." I spoke in Egyptian again, not realizing that I had switched back.
He gave me a wider smile, showing all of his "We did, and I'm glad you remember. It's been so hard being away from you, sunshine." Tears pricked the corners of his eyes, mine doing the same. "I've always known there was something missing from my life, but I didn't think it was this." We both let out a loud laugh, wrapping our arms around each other as I continued to talk, "But I'm glad I finally found you."
He put his hand on my face, slowly leaning in, as if asking for permission. I closed my eyes, meeting him halfway as our lips connected. This was slow, but passionate, rekindling something that the both of you haven't felt in years. I eventually pulled away, taking a gasp of air, Ahkmenrah not even out of breath. "Some of us still have to breathe" we both laughed as I shoved him.
Landing on his back, he pulled me down with him, wrapping his arms around my waist as I lay my head on his chest. "How is this even possible? Was that like my past life?" He untangled one of his arms, wrapping his large hand around my smaller one. "You weren't able to be brought back like I am, with the tablet. The gods gave us another chance for us to be together."
I nodded, the room growing into a comfortable silence as we laid there, entangled in each other. Thoughts had been going through my mind as to what would happen in the future, and how I would see Ahkmenrah. I couldn't just get over him after tonight, everything in my 'past life' had felt like I had just experienced it. Like I was already married, had a kid, and that I had only died just minutes ago, only to be brought back to a different life.
I cleared my throat, an idea running through my head, "I think I'm going to take a job here as night guard." I sat up, my legs still entangled with Ahkmenrahs, using my free hand to support my weight, "That way we can still be together every night, and I'll have a real excuse to tell McPhee why I'm here." He sat up also, using his other arm to hold him up, "You can't just tell him you're here to see your dead husband?"
He chuckled, and I playfully slapped him, letting out a small giggle also. "As funny as that'd be to see the look on his face, I'm being serious about the job." He nodded, bringing my knuckles to his lips and kissing them, "I think it's a great idea, sunshine. I know you'll get it with Larry's help." I could tell there was something else he had wanted to say, not quite meeting my eyes. "What is it, lover boy?"
Another laugh came out of him, but it sounded almost forced. "There's something else I have to tell you, about the gods told me." I nodded, signaling for him to continue. "They told me everything about why you hadn't come back like I will, but you will in the future." He paused, drawing in a breath that he didn't need. "You would be in life for a few years, alive, before you would die again."
My eyes widened, letting out a small gasp. "You'll die at the same age you did all those years ago, and on the same exact day. But your soul would re-enter your other corpse, from when Kahmunrah killed you, and we can be together for eternity." I sat there, taking it all in that I would die in three years, but I would get to spend forever with him. "I'll be with you here, in the museum?"
He nodded, "Yes, but the gods are giving you choice, and you must give the answer the night before, with me." I placed my hand on his cheek, rubbing my thumb on his cheekbone, "But I think you already know my answer, love." We shared another kiss, before realizing it was almost sunrise. I walked with him to the sarcophagus, watching as he sat down inside of it.
I wrapped my arms around his neck, giving him a quick peck on the lips. "I'll see you tonight, I love you." He laid down, crossing his arms over his chest. I placed my hand on my hand on his arm, his skin growing colder. "We will never have to spend another night without each other. I love you, sunshine." The sun peeked through the windows as I placed the lid on top of its rightful place. I walked out of the museum, heading home as I thought of the future I would have with Ahkmenrah.

**This is officially the last chapter of Goddess Of Mystery! I hope you all enjoyed reading this book :)
I tried to explain the past life thing as well as I could, let me know if there is anything i can change to make it easier to understand!

Inspiration/idea for this chapter is from Yazmin D. Ramirez

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