Chapter 3- Time Together

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            Lunch was awkward so to say, if that was even a good enough word to describe it. Kahmunrah kept glancing at me all throughout lunch, him sitting right across form me and Ahkmenrah next to me. Ahkmenrahs mother was a kind women, she was asking me questions about how well I was adjusting- even though I have only been here for a few hours, and if I was comfortable. She had offered to let me have some of her dresses for now until they could get some made for me.

I was still in the dress from the gala, and it was getting quite uncomfortable. I wasn't given a change of clothes yet, and I assumed it was because my dress had looked so much like the fashion they wear here. The white two piece dress with the beading did look quite similar from all of the artifacts I had seen my mother find. I knew some things about ancient Egyptian culture seeing how my mother was an archaeologist. That's what the gala was for- her recent discovery of a great queen's tomb. I couldn't remember whose tomb it was, I personally thought it was a disgrace to disturb a person's final resting place in the afterlife.

My mother and I never quite saw eye to eye, the same goes for me and my father. My parents were famous in their professions. My father one of the best surgeons there was in the US and my mother being the best archaeologist with finding multiple tombs of pharaohs and queens. I was slowly becoming sadder thinking of my parents, and how I might possibly never see them again. I rarely ever got to see them, but I cherished the moments we did and managed to get along.

A lone tear had fallen down my cheek and onto the book I was reading. I quickly wiped my face, hoping Ahkmenrah hadn't seen it. I was curled up on the cushions in his room reading a book on medicine, while he was at his desk, doing work that I had no clue what it was about. I had zoned off once again, stuck on the same page for a few moments, thinking of my life back in New York, my plans of going to college, my family, and Larry. Larry seemed like an average night guard, but he meant so much to me. He was there for many of my emotional breakdowns, and he helped me through many things.

Before I knew it I had tears making their way down my cheeks and soaking the night gown and robe Shepseheret had given me. I quickly wiped off under my eyes, and turning my head away from Ahkmenrah. "What's the matter, Sunshine?" he walked his way over to where I was sitting, barely making any noises now that he had taken off his shoes also. He had started calling me sunshine, and when I questioned him about it he said it was because I had brightened every room that we had walked into, and that I had not stopped smiling.

I guess now was an exception though, a frown taking over my face, and tears running down my face. "I just- I miss home" I was close to sobbing by now, and my lip started to tremble. I quickly took my hands and rubbed the salty tears from my face "I must look so stupid right now" a broken smile covered my face as I tried to look like I was fine. His face softened even more as he grabbed my hands with one of his, and with the other he gently wiped off my tears with his thumb.

He gave a crooked smile "You don't look stupid" he reassured me "just the opposite. Everything will get better, just trust me." I nodded my head, giving a small smile, feeling slightly better. He had brought me into his arms for a hug, rubbing my back as it lasted for more than a few minutes. He switched between squatting on the floor to now sitting on the cushions, with me sitting on his lap, my head resting against his chest and one arm wrapped around his torso. "Thank you" I whispered to him, slightly raising my head so I could look at him. His eyebrows were scrunched together as he looked down at me, and I assumed he was confused so I continued talking. "For everything- for sticking up for me when no one else was, and for helping me with everything for these past for hours I've been here."

I was blushing hard, but a huge smile still covered my face, which was a big difference from just five minutes ago. A light color had spread across his face, and the smile on his face truly made him look beautiful. "Anything for you sunshine" I guess the nickname was going to stick for a while. Ha placed a light kiss on my temple before leaning his head back against the wall. "So have you made a decision yet? I know it hasn't been that long since you were told, but have you?" He had spoken up after a few minutes of silence, just as I was about to fall asleep. "N-no, not yet" I had stuttered over a few words, nervous about what to choose "But I do have some questions if you don't mind." He nodded his head yes, and I moved off his lap to sit in front of him so could see him.

I gulped down the fear and anxiety about the answers I was going to get, and started asking questions. "What happens if you get another wife? It's not something that's.... normal, so to say, in my culture. My personal beliefs are that only two people should be married, and no more than that. And I'm not exactly sure if I'm up for a marriage that does not fit what I'm comfortable with." I wasn't sure if all of that had made sense, but I had to cut myself off before I started rambling off more.

He started chuckling, and out of embarrassment I turned beat red thinking he was laughing at me. "Hey, look at me" I looked up at him to see a small, goofy smile placed on his face "I'm not making fun of you, it's just your rambling was cute." If it was possible, I'm sure my face became even redder. "And to answer your question, if you were to choose to become my wife, and queen, then I would see to it that you were happy. If there's something you would like to do that is part of your culture, then I will see it done- and that I promise sunshine."

I looked at my hands for a few moments smiling before looking back up at him. "And being a queen, what exactly would I do?" That part I was most nervous about, ruling a whole country. He started explain how I would ensure the smooth running of the palace, give support and help if he needed it , and how I would have to be there with talking with the lords and ladies-that were almost like governors of each of the large cities, about any problems going on. There was a meeting every two months, and there we would all go over financial problems, taxes, and many other things, They would stay for 3 days, 1 day was relaxing, another was for the meeting, and the last day there would be a large feast. He also of course told me, that if he were to die and our sons weren't old enough to rule, then I would have to take the place of pharaoh until they were.

"Most important, is that you would have to provide me with many children." He sounded nervous when he said that, almost like he didn't want me to know. I knew we would have to have children soon after our marriage, but I wasn't sure if I was ready for it. Especially when I would only be 18 when we get married and have children. It was normal for him in this situation, it was part of their culture. But mine, not so much, and this was something I simply couldn't change. They had short lives here in past times, only living to be in their 50's so they tried to live out as much of their life as they could, doing things sooner than how it was in the 2000's.

I had already made my mind up by now, but I wasn't ready to tell him my decision yet. Instead I just needed my head and sat next to him, leaning against his side, and resting my head on his shoulder. "We missed dinner" I started laughing, knowing it was slightly my fault. He started laughing with me "I'll get someone to bring us up a tray of food and wine." I nodded my head as I moved to let him get up and go to the door. I heard him whispering to someone outside, possibly one of the guards or servants. When he came back into the room, I had already started reading the book on medicine again, and he grabbed his book also. Both of us sitting close together, barely any space between us as we waited for the food. 

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