Chapter 7- Relaxation

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            Being picked up from my current sleeping position was a fright. I had fallen asleep at the desk in the library again, but I had usually managed to wake myself up before anyone noticed. This time it hadn't worked so well, I turned my head, noticing Ahkmenrah picking me up bridal style. He smiled down at me "You missed dinner, just go back to sleep sunshine." I could barely hear him whisper those words as I was already almost asleep, the bounce in his step lulling me to sleep.

The second time I had woken up it was more comfortable and peaceful, only a small amount of light leaking into the room though the curtain. Something tightened around my waist. I turned my head, noticing that I was snuggled into Ahkmenrahs arms. We had spent as much time in these past 2 months like we had in the first. We both had intensive learning these past few months. He had his classes in the morning, learning combat or studying with a teacher. I had mine more in the afternoon, learning exactly how Egypt ran, and how a Queen would carry out certain duties.

Ahkmenrah and I could only see each other during meals, the occasional morning or night right before bed, and during the two days break we had each week. I laid my arm against his torso, giving him a small squeeze on his side. He stirred slightly, moving to lay on his side and wrapping both of his arms around me and pulling me closer. "Just a few more minutes" he groaned, snuggling his head into my shoulder. I giggled as I started playing with his hair and running my fingers through it. "But I'm hungry" I let out a whine, just so he would get annoyed and get up. My plan had failed as he just pulled me closer to him "Mhm just a minute, sunshine" he mumbled, and I could feel his smirk.

I had eventually forced him out of bed, each of us putting a robe on, planning on staying inside all day. One of servants had brought up some bread, fruit and water for breakfast, which we had enjoyed still lying in bed. We'd do this everyone once and a while, just lying in bed for the first half of the day just wanting to relax, but eventually getting bathed and dressed to go do something. It was normally going out to ride Ahkmenrahs horse, or walking through the garden.

We had sat there a short while in silence after breakfast, Ahkmenrah breaking it by clearing his throat and beginning to talk. He turned me to face him, grabbing onto my hands with his. "The Libyans are planning on attacking soon," he looked up, glancing at my reaction "and I have to leave in six days." My hands started shaking, my bottom lips slightly trembling "When did you find out?"

His thumb pushing a strand of hair behind my ear, resting his hand on my cheek "just last night, I was going to tell you but you were sleeping in the library." We both slightly chuckled at that, but it seemed almost forced. "Our lessons are canceled for this week, I only have an hour of combat training after breakfast. But the rest of the days are ours to spend together."

I let out a weak smile, not knowing if I could handle him leaving in less than a week. He pulled me onto his lap, me straddling him as we had wrapped our arms around each other. I sniffled, trying to keep my tears in as he slowly rocked us. "What happens if you don't come back?" My forehead rested against his neck, he stopped rocking us as soon as he heard me ask that question.

He moved his head and rested it against the wall, moving me with him. "I am not sure, I had never even thought about it." He paused, sucking in a long breath. "I do plan on keeping my promise though. But I will talk with my father about that before I go with him." I nodded my head, not wanting to talk anymore, fearing that I would choke over my words. He held onto me tighter, still resting his head against the wall.

We had sat there for a while, time passing by neither of us sure how long it was. We knew we had missed lunch, and decided just to wait to eat until dinner. I got bored just sitting there, although I did love being with Ahkmenrah in his arms, I couldn't sit here any longer. I sat up, looking at his face "Let's go do something." He opened his eyes, pecking me on the lips before replying "Like what?" I thought about it for a moment, "I'm not sure," my eyes widened and a huge smile crossed my face "Can we go into town? I've been wanting to go."

Ahkmenrahs hesitant face made me think we wouldn't go, but once I gave him the puppy dog face he always fell for, he gave in. Each of us went our separate ways to get ready, me going with Masika, and him going down a hall with one of the younger male servants. After bathing, she had dressed me in one of the more simple dresses, an orange dress with a white accent and a deep plunge in the neck.

Meeting back at his bedroom, he wasn't wearing the normal prince-like clothes I was used to seeing him wear. He was only wearing his shendyt (pleated kilt), and his wesekh (wide collar). He wasn't wearing his Crown, shoulder cape, or the golden cuffs he would wear on his wrists. I hadn't put my crown on, just placing a simple necklace around my neck. My hair had been put up halfway, and I decided on no makeup for today. Ahkmenrah smiled as he seen me, resting his hands on my hips as he placed a kiss on my lips, "You look beautiful, come on." He held out his arm for me to take as we left, escorted by three guards this time instead on two.

Walking out through the gates of the palace, there were few who had noticed others, others keeping to themselves. We had walked all throughout the small city, stopping at all of the small shops that were set up. The three guards were still following us, looking alert and tense as the people were brushing past us. I had found beautiful white fabric with red accents on it, the lady at the shop telling me it came from Rome. Ahkmenrah was convinced he had to buy it for me, even though I kept telling him he didn't have to, but he eventually won.

Ahkmenrah and I had stopped at a small little house, smoke coming from inside and the sound of metal banging against something. "I'll meet you back at the castle, I have some business to attend too." Ahkmenrah had turned to me, then telling one of the guards to escort me back. I decided against protesting, not wanting one of our days before he leaves consisting of us arguing. Following the guard back to the castle, I had tried not to lose him and get lost in the city.

I made it back successfully to the palace, not losing the guard the whole way. My mind kept wandering to Ahkmenrah, and what he could be in that house for. Maybe it was a blacksmith, and he was talking about weapons. But that wasn't a possibility, they would have had to have them made weeks in advance for all of the soldiers. I tried to stay up and thinking about it and for him to come back, but I had eventually fallen asleep on the bed, a book laying open next to me.


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