Chapter 5- The Queens Garden

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"You know, this will be your garden someday" Shepseheret was finally the one to break the awkward silence between the two of us. "The pharaoh and the queen have their own private garden, away from the others." I nodded, following along with what she was saying as she led me through her garden. It was beautiful, different types of flowers, with all different variations of colors.

Shepseheret had asked to talk with me after breakfast, and Ahkmenrah practically had to force me to go. I was dreading this, I didn't want that talk that mothers usually give their sons girlfriends- or 'Fiancées'. It would usually be the mother threatening the girl not to hurt her son, and I was definitely scared on what Shepseheret would do if I did. She was a queen, and the wife of a very powerful Pharaoh who controls an entire army.

We continued to walk until we came to a small table with two chairs on either side, each of us talking a seat. "Please dear, don't be afraid to talk to me" she gave me sweet and soft smile, the kind a mother would give to her child. "I see the way Ahkmenrah looks at you" she reached across the table to grab one of my hands "and I know he truly loves you. It's like you two were soulmates." We both laughed at the idea, she knew it couldn't be true, but I knew it was and I thought it would look suspicious if I didn't laugh at her.

She became serious, and I immediately stiffened, waiting for the worst. She creased her eyebrows together "I am warning you about Kahmunrah though, he has always been jealous of his younger brother. He power hungry, and will do anything to get to the top, my eldest son has always been the greedier of the two. That's exactly why we didn't choose him to become Pharaoh." She quickly looked around, making sure no one was near except for the guards, except they were out of hearing range. "I see the way he looks at you Amunet, and it's not in a good way. I know he's planning something."

My eyes widened, I wasn't sure why she was telling me this. Maybe it was her way of getting me to leave. I had finally spoken up for the first time, "Why do you think Kahmunrah is planning something?" She gave me a knowing look, "A mother always knows what her sons are doing, and a queen knows everything that is happening in her kingdom." She had finally lightened up, giving me a soft smile before continuing "And that's exactly why I'm have a guard follow you and Ahkmenrah around anywhere you go. There will be two guards posted outside of yours and my son's room whenever you are there."

I nodded again agreeing with her, I knew better than to go against her commands, she wanted the best for her son and future daughter-in-law. "Do you have any questions, dear? I'll answer any question you might have." She gave me that motherly smile again, making my heart hurt from remembering that same smile on my mother. "No, not at the moment" I had relied shaking my head. "If you ever feel the need to talk to anyone, you can come talk to me at any time." She patted my hand as she got up and left the garden, leaving me by myself with just a guard.

I decided to sit for a few moments, the sweet smell of the flowers taking over my senses. I had soon felt a hand on my back, before a kiss was placed on my cheek. I blushed, before looking over to see it was Ahkmenrah. "What did you and mother talk about?" He had questioned as he pulled the chair so he could sit next to me. "You" I gave him a playful grin before giggling. His famous boyish grin came to his face again, and my heart thumped faster "You just can't get enough of me can you sunshine?" One of his eyebrows raised "my mother didn't say anything embarrassing, did she?"

I put one finger on my chin as if I was thinking, after a few moments of pause I smiled and broke the silence. "She did tell me about that one time...." I started giggling, barely able to contain my laughter from the look on his face. I've always been bad at telling jokes, I would always laugh too much, or it would end up coming out wrong. "Ha-ha real funny sunshine." I got up out of my seat, starting to walk to through the garden "oh, I'm hilarious sweetheart."

The chair screeched across the ground as Ahkmenrah quickly got up. I shot a quick glance behind me to look at him and flashing a smile, before quickly turning around and continuing to walk through the garden. He ran to catch up to me, his feet making small thuds against the ground. His arm wrapped around my waist as his big hand settled on my hip. "Sweetheart? IS that the best you can come up with?" He turned to look at me, quirking an eyebrow. "I'm still working on it, okay?" I sounded defensive, but then we both started laughing.

He kissed my temple as we continued to walk, making our way to the palace now "No, I like it." We both began whispering in each other's ears, giggling like little kids and paying no mind to the guard following us. Ahkmenrah had pulled me off in a different direction, leading me down a different hallway, and we eventually ended up outside again near a horses stable. "What are we doing here?" My eyebrows creased together, if he planned to have me ride a horse he better be ready to teach me.

He turned, letting go of my waist and opening the door to the stables "We're going riding." I groaned, just standing there "you know I have no idea how to ride a horse, right?" He chuckled before going inside, and leading a black horse out of the stable. "I do, and that's exactly why we're just going to ride on the same horse." I was confused, before I realized that I would sit behind him, and would hold onto him as he led the horse. This didn't seem like such a bad idea after all.

The horse already had its reins on it along with the bridle and bit. Ahkmenrah grabbed my hand helping me up on to the horses' bare back, and he pushed himself onto the horse, sitting in front of me. I wrapped my arms around his torso, blushing furiously. "Now, don't get too comfortable back there" he said as he turned to smirk at me. I slapped his bicep, gasping as I replied "Don't act like you don't secretly love it." He chuckled, and we sat in silence as we waited for the two guards to go slightly ahead of us.

Ahkmenrah pulled on the horses reins, as we quickly sped off, leaving the guards behind. The only sound coming from our loud laughter and the hooves of the horse hitting the ground. We had made it to a large clearing after 5 minutes of riding. It was surrounded by large trees, and yellow flowers were scattered about the short grass. There was a small lake to the left, and I noticed a small picnic was set up as Ahkmenrah led us closer to it. He had helped me off the horse, holding onto my waist as he lifted me off of her.

My eyes widened and a smile took over my features "What is this?" His low laugh had took over my senses as my knees slightly wobbled "I thought we could have lunch, just you and me away from everyone else." I looked at him astonished before grabbing his hand. "Thank you, this is really sweet." He just nodded his head, the same smile still covering his face as he led us over to the blanket laid out. There was a small tree that the blanket was under, allowing both of us to rest against the trunk.

It had been exactly 2 weeks since I had agreed to marry Ahkmenrah, and I was definitely not regretting it. He was sweet and caring, and everything that a girl would want in a boyfriend. He had helped me adjust to living life in a palace, and taught me how everything works in their 'government' system. I was currently placed between his legs with my back leaning against his chest and our hands intertwined. I was growing tired, listening to Ahkmenrahs heartbeat and all the sounds of nature around me were calming.

It was a miracle that the guards hadn't found us yet, unless they had decided to give us our time alone. Which I doubt with how protective Shepseheret was. "We should get going back, before mother sends out a whole team of soldiers searching for us." I could feel his chest vibrating as he chuckled. I groaned, squirming a bit "just a few more minutes." He moved our hands so they were now resting on my stomach "Fine, but only for a few minutes."

We had eventually left the clearing, with a big struggle on my part. On our way back we were met with two guards we had left behind, and Kahmunrah standing next to them. My face immediately dropped as he met my gaze and winking at me, and I could Ahkmenrah draw a big breath as he had stopped the horse and we both hopped off. "You know," Kahmunrah smirked at us "Mother won't be too pleased to hear about how you left the protection of guards." I could feel my heart go into my throat as I could only think of the worse of what Kahmunrah would do.

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