Chapter 9- Ahkmenrahs Departure

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This was the last morning that I would spend with Ahkmenrah for who knows how long. I have been trying to procrastinate waking him up, but I knew it as inevitable. He was laying on my chest, and I could feel his chest moving ever slow slightly to his breathing. It was the only thing keeping me from having an emotional breakdown. My fingers were running through his hair, my other hand resting on the middle of his back. His quiet snoring had stopped, his arms tightening around me as he turned his head further into my neck.

He groaned, moving off of me and sitting up, resting his head against the wall. He pulled me onto his lap, both of us still naked as I straddled him. My arms instinctively wrapped around his torso, my head buried in his neck. Tears threatening to spill from eyes, the sound of sniffling could be heard around the room. His arms wrapped around me as he placed a kiss against my temple, "Hey, everything's going to be okay." His voice came out as a whisper, "I'm going to come back to you, there's no way you're getting rid of me."

I chuckled, moving back slightly so I could look at him. "And there's no way you're getting rid of me either." Ahkmenrah pecked me on the lips, "I wouldn't dream of it." He kissed me again, both of us showing our need for the other. A knock on the door had interrupted us, I hurriedly got out of bed, pulling on my robe before going back to sit on the edge of the bed. Ahkmenrah shifted, pulling the covers over him before saying 'come in.' Masika had walked in, proceeding to tell us that our bath was ready, and that breakfast will be done in 1 hour.

As soon as the door closed, Ahkmenrah had pulled me back onto this lap. I was straddling him again, my hands resting against his lower abdomen. His hand took hold of my robe, pulling one the sleeves down as he started kissing my shoulder. I let out a small gasp, my head falling back exposing more of my neck. He untied my robe, letting it slide off my body before throwing it across the room, finishing what we had started this morning.

Tears had begun making their way down my face, finally escaping after being held in all morning. His thumb began wiping away my tears, before he grabbed the robe sitting on the bed, and lightly dabbing my face. Wee had made it back to our bedroom, breakfast was eerily silent causing us all to leave earlier than usual. Ahkmenrah had been the first to break the silence, speaking softly "I'll be back before you know it, Sunshine". I had tried giving a small smile, but it soon left my face as I let out a sob. Pulling me against his chest, he began rubbing circles into my lower back. My face buried in his chest as he whispered comforting words into my ear.

A knock had soon sounded on the door, echoing in the room signaling that it was almost time for Ahkmenrah to leave. "I have to go now, sunshine" His soft voice began speaking in my ear once more. I nodded slightly pulling back, "I know," my lip began quivering "I don't want you to go." His hands moved to my face, cupping my cheeks "And I don't want to leave you either." He pulled me in for a kiss, another knock against the door telling him he had to leave. "I love you" my voice came out as a whisper, cracking in the middle of my sentence.

He kissed me on the nose before replying "I love you too Sunshine." He pulled me in for another kiss, this lasting longer than the last with the taste of salty tears running between our lips. He had started walking out the door, turning back once to mouth an 'I love you ' before closing the door behind him. I had sank into the bed, wrapping the covers around me and remaining there for as long as I could.

I had sat there for hours, my butt becoming numb from not moving for so long. A knock had sounded on the door, the only sound I had heard since Ahkmenrah left. I untangle myself from the bedsheets, making my way towards the door. Not caring that my face was blotchy from crying, I pulled the door open to see Masika.

She frowned, noticing the redness on my face, before looking down and speaking quickly. "The queen is requesting your presence for lunch in the garden, Lady Amunet." I nodded, "Thank you, Masika." I led her into the bedroom, realizing that she would have to fix my makeup and hair. Sitting at the vanity she quickly worked, before she led my down to the garden. I didn't want to go, I wanted to stay cooped up in my room, but I knew I had no choice but to go. If Shepseheret had wanted me to come to the garden, that meant she had something important to discuss with me, and I wasn't sure if I wanted to know what.

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