Chapter 11- Time Changes

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          I've been tossing and turning every night since Ahkmenrah left, not able to get more than a few hours of sleep each night. I was worried, my anxiety getting worse and my insomnia coming back. I had thought I wouldn't be bothered by them anymore, but I was proved wrong. Some nights I would just stand on the balcony, staring out to see if Ahkmenrah had been returning with the army- which was a long shot since he had only left two weeks ago. I would often write in a journal, the letters being to mom, hoping she might find them sometime in the future.

          It was crazy of me to think this, but I had begun remembering things that I had researched on Ahkmenrah. The facts that I had read about him were strange, but I had never realized until now. I could now remember me reading something about him having a goddess as a wife- whose name was Amunet. They also had a son, who eventually took the throne from Kahmunrah once he was 18. I had also come to the realization that the tomb my mother had found of a Great Queen, had the same name as mine. She was in a different section of the tomb where Ahkmenrah was buried with his parents, a secret door being blocked by the jackals until discovered years later by my mother. I had constantly brushed it off, thinking my mother had just named me after the lost queen, but it all came together now.

          I knew it would eventually happen- death was inevitable. But I didn't think that I would die here in Ancient Egypt, I figured once Ahkmenrah had died, I would be sent back to New York. I had thought he was the one 'anchoring' me here and keeping me from leaving this time period. But it turns out it really was the tablet controlling everything that was happening, and there was no way I could destroy it. Not that I would want to now, I've made such a great life here, and I would never trade it for anything.

          It's now been three weeks since Ahkmenrah has left- the three longest weeks of my life. I didn't think it was possible, but my stress hasn't gotten a lot worse. I've been constantly biting my nails, and having panic attacks at random times throughout the day. It also wasn't helping that I had missed my period this month, which would sometimes happen when I was stressed. But I was still worried though, there being a chance that I may very well be pregnant. I couldn't tell anyone, at least not until Ahkmenrah came home- it's always been easier for me to talk with him about anything.

          I had been taking lessons with the queen every week still, and following her in meetings. She had been teaching me everything she knows about ruling. I've been included on a few decisions, although they weren't big, it was still important for me to pick the right course of action to take. It would get more nerve-wracking once I become queen, that only being almost 2 months away. Everything was already planned for that day- the wedding and crowning, so that was one less thing I had to worry about.

          Today was the day, the day Ahkmenrah was supposed to return. They had said they would return in one month, the day after the full moon. It was mid-afternoon, and there was still no sign of them returning yet. I was currently seated on the library, a book on my lap as I sat in the window seat, watching the gates to see if they had returned yet. Becoming engrossed in the book, I had barely noticed how dark it had gotten, a woman coming in to light the fireplace and candles had alerted me of how late it was. I had decided to stay reading longer, not wanting to end this book on a cliff hanger.

          The door to the library had squeaked, alerting me that someone was opening it. I had payed no mind to it continuing to read my read thinking it was the woman again. I could hear heavy footsteps nearing me, but not quite hearing them as I zoned out. They had cleared their throat before speaking up "So are you just going to sit there and read all night, or are you going to come see me?" My head quickly shot up, seeing Ahkmenrah standing a few paces away from me with a sly smirk on his face.

          I quickly ran over to him, I flung myself onto him, wrapping my arms around his neck. Knocking him back a few steps, he quickly wrapped his arms around my torso and buried his head into my neck. My nose brushed his neck, "I missed you." Placing a kiss onto my cheek, he responded with the same "I missed you too." His smile seemed almost forced, and his eyes unfocused. "What's wrong, Ahk?" My eyebrows knitted together, I could tell something was wrong, he wasn't acting like his usual self. He quickly kissed my lips, pulling back I could see the tears forming in his eyes. "Its father," his lip quivered, a tear making its way down his cheek "he's dying."

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