Chapter 10- Letters To Mother

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Dear Mother,
            It's been awhile since I've talked to you, but I'm sure by the time you read this you would have spoken to me only hours ago- maybe minutes but who knows. I guess you would though. I miss you, I haven't seen you in about 3 months I think it's been.
            I'm sure you've figured out by now that that mummified corpse of a queen you had found is me. I have no idea exactly how to explain this, but somehow I was sent to Egypt. As in ancient Egypt- I was sent back to when Pharaoh Merenkahre was ruling, and Ahkmenrah was soon to be taking the throne, and I was too along with him.
            Maybe I should explain the whole time traveling thing. I had been visiting the museum at night again, I know how much you hate sorry, and the tablet of Ahkmenrah had started glowing. I don't remember much about that night, but I ended up in Ancient Egypt. I guess that tablet has some power in to 'transport' people, almost like how the Doctors tardis had let him travel time and space?
Well, things had been going good until now. Ahkmenrah had to leave for war, the Libyans had made threats of attacking. I've never missed someone so much until now, but I guess it's equal to how much             I've missed you. I marry him in three months, and I'm afraid that he may not come back. I've finally found someone, mom, and I love him. I regret not ever being able to talk to you about boys, but this is as close as I could get and I know you'll read this.
           I'm running out of room on this paper, so I'll have to end this. I'm not even really sure what else to talk about, but I'm sure I'll have more to say in the next letter. I hope you're doing okay without me, you've never been the one to like being alone. I miss you and I love you.

Your daughter,


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