Chapter 12- The Kings Wish

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It took me an hour to fully process what was happening at this moment. I was holding a crying Ahkmenrah in my arms, we were sitting on the floor of the library as he was finally able to tell me what happened. During the battle, Merenkahre was stabbed in abdomen. On their march back to the palace to get him help, his wound had become infected. The doctors and nurses were doing all they could to save him, but nothing was working.
Masika had come to tell me that the king had asked for me, saying the doctors had given up. It was now early in the morning, the sun just peeking over the horizon. Ahkmenrah had walked me to the room he was staying in, which was all the way at the other side of the palace. My mind was racing as to why Merenkahre wanted to see me first, and not his son. Knocking three times, I opened the door and let myself in.
He was lying on the bed, his face looking paler than normal and bloody rags on the floor. I sat on the edge of the bed, facing him "How are you feeling?" I realize now that it was a stupid question to ask, nobody would feel okay on their death bed. "As good as a man could feel when dying" he began coughing, a small amount of blood covering the rag he was holding to his face. I grabbed him water, him quickly taking it and chugging half the glass.
He held it in his hand along with the rag, with his free hand he grabbed mine, giving it a light squeeze. He smiled, showing that he was ok, "I didn't call you in here to talk about me, I want to talk about you, and my son." I gave a small smile, nodding telling him to continue. "I presume you still want to marry Ahkmenrah?"
My face turned bright red, looking down before nodding my head once more. He chuckled, letting out another cough. "I take that as a yes. I wish I could see the two of you marry, I see how happy you make my son and I would like to know that he will be for the rest of his life." I simply stared at him, a smile covering my face as I thought of what to say. A thought had crossed my mind, and I quickly voiced it. "What if we get married today? With you and Shepseheret watching, we can do it in here."
I could see the look of complete happiness and joy cross his face, and I knew he loved my idea. "If both of you are happy to do it today, that would be lovely." There was something else that I knew would make him happier, but I wasn't sure if I should tell him. His smile faded, his hold on my hand tightening slightly, comforting me. "There's something else isn't there? You can tell me anything you wish, Amunet."
My other hand began fidgeting with my dress, gulping I looked up at him and told him before I lost the courage too. "I think I may be pregnant." His eyebrows scrunched, "It is my sons, correct?" My eyes widened, and I began giggling, "Of course it is! I love Ahkmenrah, I could never do anything to him as horrible as cheating." He began laughing along with me, the air becoming lighter as tension was released. "I am happy for you both! Have you told him yet?" I shook my head as a no, looking at the door knowing he was just on the other side. "Go, go tell him about everything we've talked about. And have one of the guards bring Shepseheret." I got up, muttering a quick thank you, opening the door and giving him a small smile before leaving.
AHkemnrah quickly came over, grasping my hand as we began walking. As we passed a guard, I quickly stopped and told him The King would like to see Shepseheret. I then turned down one of the smaller, side hallways. My back was against the wall, Ahkmenrah in front me holding both of my hands. "Merenkahre would like to see us be married, and I told him that I would talk to about us get married today. It would be in his room, with Shepseheret and the priest the only others in there." I paused, look at his face, the first smile that I had seen from him since he told Merenkahre, was covering his face. "I would love to, that is a great idea." A smile covered my face also, biting my lip I contemplated on telling now, or later.
It was his turn this time, worrying about was wrong, "Is everything ok, sunshine? We don't have to do this now if you don't want to." I quickly shook my head, knowing he was getting the wrong idea. "I've just been nervous to tell you this, and I don't know why" I let out a chuckle, finally realizing that there was really never anything to worry about. "But I think I may be pregnant."
His eyes widened as he picked me up, spinning us around as I wrapped my arms around his neck. I was sure our loud laughter could be heard all over the palace. He set me down, resting one of his hands on my stomach. His eyes twinkling, he continued staring down to where his hand was. "There could be a baby in there," he looked up at me and our eyes met, both quickly filling up with tears. "Our baby" I had whispered before pressing my lips to his.
He pulled away, looking to his left at the hallway we had just come from. "The priest is heading towards father room." He looked at me, before grabbing my hand and leading me down the hall. I knew everything that was about to happen, I would sign the papers and I would now have the title of princess. Marriage ceremonies weren't common here, they would just have a large feast afterward and a celebration.
Ahkmenrah and I had sat at the table that was moved next to the king's bed, and Shepseheret and the Priest on the other side. They had explained everything the small piece of papyrus had said- That anything I entered the marriage with, I would leave with if a divorce were to happen, and the same for Ahkmenrah. His arm was wrapped around my waist, his handing resting on my stomach. It had kept me calm while I signed the document, nervous that I was now married at 17. "You are both now legally married, and Amunet now has the title princess." The priest had spoken to us, then turning to Shepseheret, "Shall I announce this to all those in the city, or wait, My Queen."
I looked at Shepseheret, seeing a large smile covering her face, as she was close to tears. "No, you may announce now." With that, he had gone and left the room, taking the paper with him. We all turned to Merenkahre, hearing him let a long, and loud cough. Blood began soaking the rag once more, as he became more pale. "I'm alright," his voice was raspy and strained "I just need to rest, both of you go enjoy your time alone as newlyweds." He gave us a soft smile as Ahkmenrah and I left the room. We had intertwined our arms like we used too when we fist met, and began our trek back to his bedroom. There we had food fruit and wine sitting on the desk, and rose petals covering the bed. We let out a chuckle, both of us beginning to enjoy the night alone together.

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