Chapter 8- Bad News

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The night was always my favorite time of day, the next being sunrises. The moon always shone so brightly, matching perfectly with light glow coming from the stars. I was munching on some bread that was left out, having missed dinner and sleeping through it. I had gotten too much sleep in the past 24 hours that I wasn't sure if I was going to get any tonight. The end of my night gown flowing with the breeze, cooling me off from the constant heat of Egypt.

I had only eaten a few pieces off of the loaf, it already filling my appetite. Setting the bread down onto the plate, I rested my hands against the railing leaning against it. The breeze brushed against my face, making my hair and night flow in the same direction. Warm arms wrapped around my waist, a light kiss being placed on my shoulder. My breath hitched slightly as Ahkmenrah placed a few more going slightly further up to my neck.

His lips rested in the spot where my shoulder and neck connect, "Why are you awake, sunshine?" His deep voice causing shivers to go down my spine, I turned my head slightly towards him "I'm not tired, I slept too much today." We both let out a small light before he slightly nipped at my shoulder "I know what will make you tired."

I could feel his smirk against my skin as he placed more kisses, reaching up to my ear. A heat pooled in my abdomen, and I let out a quiet gasp. He turned me around, pressing himself flush against me as I leaned against the railing. One hand against the railing, and one encircled around my waist I couldn't move- not that I wanted too. My arms wrapped around his neck, my fingers get lost in his dark curls as I pulled his lips closer to mine.

His hand kept slowly moving down until it grabbed my butt, making me gasp and allowing him entrance. He quickly won dominance, and I allowed him. His arms reached down to my thighs, picking me up as I wrapped my legs around his waist. He walked inside still carrying me, closing the balcony door using one hand. Reaching the bed he sat me down softly, our touches become softer and more affectionate.

My hand wrapped around his torso, and pressed against his back. He grabbed the hem of my night gown, pulling away to look at me. "Are ou sure you want to do this?" His eyebrows scrunching, and his eyes showing concern and love. I nodded my head, taking a breath "I'm sure' I paused giving him a small smile "I love you." I wasn't the first time we had spoken these words to each other, but it still held the same feeling, if not greater. He repeated them back to me as we fell into a night of pure bliss and love.

The pain I had felt the next morning was unbearable, my legs aching as they were intertwined with Ahkmenrahs. Turning my head I placed a kiss against his jaw, causing him to slightly stir. His hand reached up to rub his eyes, letting out a yawn. I giggled at his state "Good morning, sleepyhead" he grumbled and gave a quiet response "Mornin', Sunshine."

I slowly sat up, keeping mind of the soreness in the lower half of my body. I noticed my bloodied nightgown sitting on the floor next to the bed, and hissing in pain as I moved the wrong way. Ahkmenrah quickly sat up, rubbing his thumbs into the lower part of my back, easing the pain greatly. "A nice, hot bath will help you." It didn't sound like a bad idea, I could hear him suck in a breath as he continued to talk. "Maybe we could just take one together." I knew he was smirking, I could tell in the way his voice changed. I let out a giggle before turning my head to look at him "I'm taking a bath to get rid of my soreness, not increase it." His loud laugh echoed throughout the bedroom. Something I had learned about Ahkmenrah, was that he was not the innocent boy I thought he was- he had an extremely dirty mind. Being a prince or not, he acted just like a hormonal teenage boy. But I acted the exact same way as him, although I didn't voice every one of my thoughts.

His head rested against my shoulder "We don't have to do anything, just take a bath." I thought it over, and it sounded relaxing, and it gave me more time to spend with him before he left. "Okay, we can." He immediately jumped up, pulling on a robe and telling a servant to prepare a bath. I was still in bed with the covers wrapped around me as he quickly burned the night gown in the small fireplace, and then putting out the fire. Handing me my robe, he helped me out of bed and slipping on the dark-colored robe and tying it for me.

I had tried walking to the door, but I could barely move my legs without flinching. Ahkmenrah had finally settled on carrying me to the bathing room, not caring if anyone saw us. The bath was already filled up, steam coming from the water. We had taken off our robes, Ahkmenrah setting me into the tub before getting in to sit behind me. My back resting against him, I let all my muscles relax and the pain slowly went away. He started putting the many oils into my hair and rinsing it out, and I had repeated the process for him.

Clothes were already out for us when we had walked back to the bedroom, us helping each other with getting dressed. We walked down to the dining hall, smelling the aroma of the breakfast had made our stomachs growling, both of us laughing loudly. The guards opening the door had made the family of three turn their heads to us. Kahmunrah had stayed silent, staring at me while Merenkahre gave us a small smile and a nod. Shepseheret was the only one to greet us, giving us a large, bright smile she cheered happily "Good morning Ahkmenrah and Amunet! I'm glad you both could join us for breakfast." I had given a small 'good morning', Ahkmenrah speaking after me as we made our way to the table "Good morning mother".

We had made it half way through breakfast when a noble looking man had walked in, rushing over to Merenkahre. "My King, I have received word from one of the spies, and the Libyans are planning on attacking sooner." The Vizier had spoken quickly, Merenkahre's fists clenched showing he was angered. "How much sooner" I could tell he wasn't happy with the news, but he still spoke in the same calm demeanor he always had. "They are attacking in 10 days, my king." He had stuttered slightly, trying to make it seem unnoticeable that he was nervous. "We will leave tomorrow after breakfast, tell the soldiers." Merenkahre waved the vizier off, and he bowed before leaving.

My entire body had tensed, knowing that Ahkmenrah would be leaving tomorrow with him. I was just thankful that Kahmunrah would be going too, that way I wouldn't be stuck in the palace with him trying to play his little games. I could feel Ahkmenrahs hand slid on top of my hand that was resting on my lap under the table. My muscles relaxed, his touch was comforting and had immediately calmed me down. I laced my fingers through his, giving him a small smile as we all finished eating breakfast.

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