Chapter 16- Meeting Once More

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*Italics is them speaking in Egyptian

                The first thing I had noticed upon waking was a small stream of light shining onto me. Next, was closed confinements of where I was being held, panic immediately taking over my senses. The realization that I was in my tomb and that I was supposed to be dead, had not come until a several minutes later. I began pounding my hands onto the top of the coffin, and screaming hoping someone would hear me. I could faintly hear feet running down the hallway over my screaming.

                I could hear scraping along the top, and a loud thud as I quickly stopped my movements. The top of the coffin was quickly pulled off, and more light came pouring in. I sat up, unwrapping the bandages from around the rest of my face, stopping at my neck. I coughed, a cloud of dust blowing out, "Gods, it's stuffy in there." I could hear a chuckle, and turned to my left seeing Larry standing there "Y'know, Ahkmenrah said the same thing when I let him out too." I jumped up, immediately wrapping my arms around Larry.

                I sniffled, trying not to cry "I've missed you so much Larry." He chuckled, wrapping his arms around me, "I missed you too kid." I pulled away, smiling at him "I'm a couple thousand years old Larry, I'm not a kid anymore." The playfulness was evident in my voice, and Larry was quick to respond as he helped me out of the sarcophagus. "I know, but you're still my little girl. C'mon, let's get you dressed. I know a certain Egyptian king who has been dying to see you." Larry always thought of me as a daughter, and I thought of him as a father seeing as I spent all my time at the museum with him when I could, so I didn't think anything of it when he called my his little girl. "That pun was horrible, pops." I jabbed him in the side lightly with my elbow, signaling for him to wait outside the room.

                He left, and I quickly surveyed the room I was in, noticing some of my clothes on a display case that was open. I quickly put on the dress, along with the wesekh and crown. I walked out, meeting Larry in the hallway, and held out his arm for me to hold onto. I was led into the front of the museum, onto the balcony that overlooks where Rexy would stand. Many of the displays that had come to life were by the desk, and I quickly spotted Ahkmenrah among them. My eyes widened, and I stood there frozen, not knowing exactly what to do.

                 Larry nudged me a little, "Go see him" and with that, I quickly ran down the stairs. Once I had made it to the bottom I paused for a moment, letting his name come out of my mouth 'Ahkmenrah.' He turned, hearing me call my name and repeated mine back shakily "Amunet." He started running towards me, and I did the same, the collar pieces bouncing of off our necks had made noise throughout the entire room as everyone looked over. I wrapped my arms around his neck, as he wrapped his arms around my waist, spinning us in a circle.

                He finally stopped, placing me back onto the ground as he placed a kiss onto my lips. His hold tightened slightly as he spoke, "I have waited over 4,000 years for you, sunshine." I placed my hand on his cheek, rubbing my thumb slightly against his cheekbone as he leaned into it. "And you will wait no longer, because there is no way we are parting again, lover boy." We both let out a breathy laugh as we leaned in for another kiss, which was soon interrupted by a toy car slamming into our feet.

                We both looked down, and I noticed two tiny men in the front seats, one a cowboy, the other a roman soldier. The both exited the tiny vehicle, and Ahkmenrah bent down to put them on his hand. H wrapped his arm around my waist as the Cowboy spoke up. "Who's the pretty lady, Ahk?" Ahkmenrah chuckled, looking over at me and pecking my cheek, "This is my wife, Goddess Amunet, Queen of Egypt." I blushed, a smile covering my face as I looked down, "Amunet, these are my friends, Jedidiah and Octavius." The roman soldier, whom I'm assuming is Octavius, spoke up this time "It was lovely to meet you, Goddess Amunet, but we must be off now." I nodded, giving back the same formality "It was nice to meet you, too"

               Ahkmenrah had set them both back down, and the sped off in the tiny car, Rexy turning the corner and starting to follow them. He turned to me, intertwining the fingers of our free hands. "Come, I'll introduce you to everyone else." I simply nodded, not having the words to say after reunited with him. He had taken me all over the museum, introducing me to everyone the same way he had to Jedidiah and Octavius. I couldn't help but feel happy around him, his excitement from introducing me to all his friends was contagious.

                 We were finally able to have some alone to ourselves, me leading Ahkmenrah over to the break room, relaxing on small couch in there. Ahkmenrahs head was laying on my lap, his legs hanging over the armrest of the couch. We had both taken our crowns off, allowing me to run my hands through the short brown locks. He took a deep breath in, as if he was about to say something but quickly cut himself off. "What is it, my love" I spoke, my voice barely above a whisper. He sat up, sitting next to me and grabbing both of my hands, "What happened to our son, Merenkahre?"

                I sat there puzzled, not knowing exactly what happened to him and Masika. I explained to him what I did know, how I sent Masika to care for him, and about the letter. "We could go ask Larry, he could do some research for us." He nodded, liking my idea and quickly pulled me off the couch. It was easy to find Larry, he was sitting at the front desk, twirling the flashlight he seemed to always keep with him. "Larry, we need your help with something" Ahkmenrahs loud voice had sounded across the room.

                Once we had made it over to the desk, Larry straightened up and turned to us. "What can I do for you two?" I smiled, my hand finding Ahkmenrahs and intertwining our fingers. "Could you do some research for us?" He nodded, turning to the computer "Sure, what exactly about?" Ahkmenrah spoke up this time, "About our son, Merenkahre." Larry froze, turning to look at us, "You guys had a son?" We both nodded, chuckling as Larry turned back to the computer, quickly typing our names into the computer.

                After a few short minutes, Larry found a rather long article about our history, more importantly about Merenkahre. Larry stood up, pulling the chair back for me to sit on "I'll leave you two kids to it." I nodded, smiling at him, squeezing his hand "Thanks Larry." He simply nodded, and walked off as Ahkmenrah and I began reading the article. It was said that Merenkahre was in hiding much of his life, with his 'sister' Masika. At age 13, there was a letter given to him that was written for him before his mother died. He later took the throne at 15, building up an army to overthrow Kahmunrah. He did at 17, and had 3 sons to later take the throne. That was where the article ended, no explanation of his death, or the names of his family.

                Tears began pooling in my eyes, and I quickly wiped them away. I was happy that Kahmunrah wasn't able to find Merenkahre, but I couldn't believe that he died at 17. Ahkmenrah wrapped his arms around me, placing a kiss on my temple, "Maybe we can go ask Larry to find what museum he's in, and convince him to take a visit." I nodded, standing up and wrapping my arms around his torso, burying my face in his shoulder. "We should go back, sunshine. The suns about to come up." I nodded, before having him lead me back to sarcophagus. We exchanged another kiss, before I laid back down, the top enclosing over me, before all I could see was darkness.

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