one. bradley (au)

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i was sat on the couch, watching tv, and heard a key in the front door before it opened and bradley walked in.

he placed his bags by the door and immediately plopped down on the couch next to me, his face burying into my neck.

"baby." i said softly, my hand resting on the back of his head, "what's happened, are you okay?" i asked as i felt tears on my collarbone.

"oh, baby, don't cry." i said, gently pulling his head back to face me.

i placed a gentle kiss to his lips, before cupping his face with my hands and swiping my thumbs under his tears eyes.

"i...with my patients today, nothing went well." he started. "one girl's ex-boyfriend was stalking her and seriously hurt her multiple times; a lady died without seeing her son in 7 years; a girl died from internal bleeding and i could have saved her, y/n, i could have saved her, i could have saved others, i--"

"shh, brad, it's okay, these things happen. it's not your fault, baby."

"but it is tho--"

"bradley." i cut him off again. "it wasn't your fault."

"i don't know what i'd do without you." he said softly, tears still trickling down his cheeks.

"ditto." i replied with a smile, "come on, let's go to bed." i suggested, standing up.

brad grabbed my hand, walking upstairs with me to our bedroom.

stripping down to our underwear, we both got into bed, his arms around my waist as he pressed a kiss to my forehead.

"i love you." he spoke softly.

"i love you too." i smiled, closing my eyes, soon falling asleep with the faint, steady sound of his heartbeat in the background and his familiar scent.

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