twenty nine. tristan

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a.n. y/f/n is your (male) friend's name

"hi, babe." i smiled, walking into tris' room to see him sat at his desk on his apple mac.

"who else did you say that to today?"


"how's y/f/n?" he scoffed.

"um, i don't know, why?"

"oh, well you should know, seeing as you're cheating on me with him." tris stated.

"what the fuck? where'd you get that from?" i asked, confusion lacing my features as i looked to him for an answer.

"oh, wait, the tabloids?" my voice softened and i felt my heart break at the thought of him thinking i would cheat on him.

tris nodded, standing up and looking at me with disgust, hurt and anger.

"and you believed them?" i mumbled.

"yes, i believed them, because it's pretty obvious, don't you think?" he raised his voice, walking closer to me as i stepped backwards so that my back was now against the wall.

"no, i don't think so, because they are lying. i would never do that to you, because i love you, but if you think i would, then maybe this isn't working. i'll go pack my bags, if you would like." i snapped.

his hand suddenly raised and i flinched, covering my face with my hands and pressing myself even further back into the wall.

after a moment, when nothing had happened, i moved my hands away from protecting my face, and tris was running his fingers through his hair anxiously.


" thought i would hit you?"

i nodded, looking down at the floor.

"look at me."

i looked up at him and he cupped my cheeks, stepping closer to me.

"i'm sorry. i should never have doubted you, i was just worried you'd choose y/f/n over me." tris mumbled. "i know that doesn't make it okay, but i'm sorry, i hope you know that i would never hit you; no matter what, and i do love you, a lot."

i nodded and looked into his pained eyes to check he wasn't lying, before he leant forwards, pressing his forehead to mine.

tris slipped his arms around my waist, his lips brushing against mine before he kissed me, gently tracing patterns on my waist with his fingertips.

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