fifty-six. bradley (request)

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a.n. this is quite long, hope you enjoy.

also, you can all feel free to request whenever and as many times as you would like x


"connor." i said sheepishly, walking into the spare room where he was currently staying.

"yeah, faith? what's up?" connor mumbled.

"um, i, i think i'm pregnant." i blurted.

"what?" connor asked, pausing for a moment, "really, it's brad's, right?" his face suddenly displayed concern.

"yes, of course, connor."

"okay, sorry, but why are you upset then?"

"i don't know how to tell him. i don't want to ruin the time he's currently having with his family, and i don't know how he'll react." i said. bradley was currently at home with his family, and that was why connor, as my best friend, was staying over for a few days.

"are you certain? did you take a test?" connor asked and i nodded.

"yeah, i had morning sickness, and i've just taken two tests." i said.

"well, i'm sure he'll be fucking buzzing to have a little one." connor smiled, and i found myself chuckling at his excitement already.

"how old do you think it is?" he asked.

"um, i think a month and a bit." i said.

"are you ready to go?" connor asked as i came down the stairs and i nodded. i had a doctor's appointment and he was driving me, as brad was with his family and still doesn't know about my pregnancy.

i heard a car horn, before i felt something smash into the side of me, and everything went black as connor screamed, "fuck."

(connor's pov)

faith and i sat in the ambulance and i held her hand as i called brad.

"yo, con. everything okay?" he said upon picking up.

"fuck, man, i'm so sorry. i was driving and faith was in the passenger seat, and we got into a car crash, but it was on her side and she's unconscious. i'm so sorry, oh my god." i said, crying heavily by now as brad just went silent for a moment.

"which hospital?" he asked and i told him, "con, it wasn't your fault, these things happen, i'll see you there in a bit." brad said and i marvelled at his strength.

"i'm sorry." i said quietly before hanging up as we reached the hospital.

"she's pregnant, will the baby survive?" i said to the doctor as faith was about to be taken into surgery.

"are you the baby's father?"

i shook my head, "no, he'll be here in a bit, he doesn't know she's pregnant yet." i explained and the doctor nodded.

"well, the baby should be okay, as she had no serious impact to her stomach, and we'll do all we can to kept baby, and faith herself, alive."

"thank you." i said quietly.

"but, i do think you should tell the father."

"about the baby?" i asked and he nodded.

"connor? where's faith?" i heard and turned around to see brad.

i stood up and pulled him into a hug, "she's coming out of surgery in a couple of minutes." i said and he nodded.

"are you all alright?" he asked.

"yeah, i just broke my arm and a few cuts and bruises, but i'm fine compared." i motioned towards my arm in a cast.

"fuck." bradley sighed, running his fingers through his messy hair, tugging on it.

"brad, um, faith's pregnant with your baby." i blurted and he looked up.


"she's pregnant."

"it's mine?" brad asked and i nodded, "shit, really?" he said, a small smile finding it's way onto his lips. "wait, but, is the baby okay?"

"the doctor said she has no serious wounds to her stomach so it should be." i said and he hugged me.

"connor?" the doctor said and i looked over to him, as he wheeled faith in.

"is she okay?" brad asked, tears slipping down his cheeks as he walked over to faith, grabbing her pale hand and kissing her knuckles.

"she's stable. she's in a coma, and may be for up to two months, but both her, and the baby should be fine. are you the father?" the doctor said and brad nodded.

"would you like to see a scan of the baby?" he offered.

"uh, can i wait for faith?" brad asked and the doctor nodded, offering him a smile.

"of course."

a month later (faith's pov)

"faith? oh my god, faith." i heard, as i slowly opened my eyes to see brad with tears in his eyes.

"uh, what happened?" i asked, looking around, seeing i was in a hospital.

"you got into a car crash." brad said sadly and i nodded, beginning to remember my last conscious moments.

beginning to cry, remembering my reason for being in the car, "the baby." i sobbed, before my eyes widened and i looked up to brad, remembering i hadn't told him.

"it's alright, princess, i know, connor told me." he smiled, "and the baby's absolutely fine."

i grinned and he leant down, pressing a gentle kiss to my lips.

"good morning, faith, did you have a nice sleep?" a doctor walked in and i lightly chuckled. "would you like to see a scan of your little one in there?" the doctor offered, motioning to my stomach and i nodded, looking to brad.

"have you seen one?" i asked and he shook his head.

"i waited for you, love." brad smiled.

"good night, faith, i love you, and this little one." brad lightly patted my stomach, the two of us finally back home in our own bed.

he kissed me softly, his arms slipping around my waist as my eyes fluttered closed and the two of us fell asleep, cuddling.

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