forty-eight. james

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i sat next to james, opposite tristan and connor, brad at the head of the table, the five of us out for dinner.

james was being stroppy and not talking much, so i bit my lip slightly to cover up a smirk, as i placed my palm on james' thigh, moving it up his leg slowly, closer to his bulge.

he gasped lightly and i left my hand where it was for a moment, before trailing it up and down his thigh.

"what're you doing?" james leant down to growl in my ear.

"nothing." i whispered back with a playful smile, and he gave me a warning look, that of course i didn't listen to at all.

i smirked, moving my hand up over his bulge, before unzipping his jeans.

his hand went to mine to stop me teasing him further, but i put my hand through his flyers and palmed him over his boxers regardless, feeling him harden underneath me.

"you might want to fucking stop." he groaned into my ear quietly, but i ignored him, laughing with the rest of the guys as they chatted.

james pulled my hand out, quickly zipping his flyers back up before trailing his hand up my leg, squeezing my inner thigh.

he pressed his fingers into me through my clothes and i bit my lip to stop myself from audibly reacting as it was james' turn to smirk now, but i moved my hand back to his hard-on.

he stood up and grabbed my hand, "we're leaving, bye guys." he said quickly and i winked to the guys, causing them all to chuckle, before james and i left.

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