thirty-four. connor (request)

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a.n. feel free to message me or comment as many requests as you like x


i sighed as connor pulled up to his parents' house, and i felt nervous butterflies.

"con, what if they don't like me?" i asked softly and he smiled at me, gently hugging me.

"they will, because you're amazing, and they'll see how happy you make me." he said and i blushed lightly, "and i'll still adore you anyway."

"thank you, i love you, con."

"i love you too, cat, now come on." he chuckled, getting out of the car.

his mum opened the door, "connor!" she said happily, pulling her son into a hug, before turning to me, "you must be cat! connor's talked about you so much." she gushed and connor groaned, blushing.

she pulled me into a hug and i saw connor smiling at the two of us.

"come on in, guys." she motioned into her house, and i followed connor into the living room where his dad and brother were.

"hey dad, this is cat." connor said and his dad stood up from the sofa.

"i know, son, you don't stop talking about her." he teased and connor once again groaned.

"guys, you're so embarrassing."

"lewie, come here." connor smirked, pulling his little brother into a hug as lewie sighed, as i shook connor's dad's hand.

"con, why'd you get all the hot girls?" lewie whined and i blushed lightly with a giggle, connor pretending to be annoyed.

we all sat on the sofas and chatted, as connor's mum was in the kitchen cooking.

connor's dad began to take the mick out of me, and i giggled along, trying not to get offended.

"dad, stop." connor chuckled.

"love, can you come and help me with the cooking, please." connor's mum asked, walking in and smiling at me.

i nodded and followed her back into the kitchen.

"love, don't worry about him, don't get offended. he only does it to test your humour, just laugh and joke along, he doesn't mean it offensively." she smiled.

"thank you." i said.

we began talking about connor and i, and her face broke into a smile, "he really loves you. his eyes hold so much happiness when he looks at you." she gushed.

i smiled, "i love him too, i would never hurt him."

"good, i'm sure he'd never hurt you, either."

"right, let's eat!" she smiled, the two of us carrying the food into the dining room.

i sat next to connor, lewie at the head of the table next to me, connor's mum opposite me, and her husband next to her, opposite connor.

"thank you, that was lovely." i gushed at the end of the meal.

"i couldn't have done it without your help, love." connor's mum smiled.

"thanks, mum." connor and lewie both said, connor's hand resting on my thigh and giving it a little squeeze.

i went to the toilet, and when i returned, connor flashed me a big smile, "we'll head off now, thank you, guys." connor said.

"thank you for having us." i spoke, hugging connor's mum and going to shake his dad's hand, but he pulled me into a hug aswell.

i smiled to lewie, and he high-fived and fist bumped me.

"bye guys, love you." connor said, grabbing my hand and bringing me with him to the front door.

his family and i all said "bye." too, before connor and i got into his car.

"guess what, princess." connor smiled, leaning across the centre console and pressing a kiss to my forehead.


"they loved you." he said proudly and i smiled.


"yes, baby." he said and i giggled, "they think you're gorgeous and lovely and funny."

"i'm glad, i love you." i kissed him softly, and he started the car.

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