fifteen. james

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james collapsed onto the bed, laying on his front, his face buried in the pillow.

i moved and sat on his lower back, my thighs either side of him, as i lightly pressed my hands into his toned back.

i carefully worked my fingertips into his shoulders, feeling a knot, my aim to undo it.

he squirmed a little under my touch from pain, before a soft moan escaped his lips and he fell relaxed as i eased him, and got rid of the knot.

i proceeded to massage him, as occasional grunts, mumbles and moans found their way past his lips, whilst i soothed his aching body.

"you're so good with your hands." he whimpered and i immaturely giggled a little, causing him to playfully roll his eyes.

once done with the massaging, i lightly traced shapes on his back with my fingertips, his body becoming completely still, his face snuggled deeply into the pillows.

i ran my fingers through his hair, playing with the ends in a way i knew he adored, before peppering delicate, loving kisses to the back of his neck.

i got off him, and lay next to his worn-out body.

"thank you." james spoke softly with a very sleepy smile, and i returned the grin, his arms slipping around my waist as he held me to him.

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