thirty-nine. preference

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going on tour with them would include


- joe always giving you and brad single beds in the same room in hotels just to annoy brad
- brad whining non-stop the first night because he can't cuddle you
- him getting into your bed even though it's a single and the two of you can barely fit
- "brad go away, it's too hot"
- secretly being glad he was so desperate to cuddle you
- him falling out of your bed
- teasing him about falling out of your bed
- cuddling tightly every night just so you can stay on the beds and he doesn't fall off again
- realising you should just push the beds together to make it into a double
- making out backstage and on the bus all the time
- the guys and crew always catching you making out


- having your own bunks but him always getting into yours or persuading you to get into his
- laying on his chest as the bunks on the bus are too small for the two of you
- talking all the time
- the other guys getting annoyed because you don't know when to stop talking
- when you do finally shut up, the boys always going "ooooo are you guys making out?"
- them being right most of the time
- getting into the other boys' bunks, just to annoy him
- styling his hair
- loads of inside jokes the the others don't understand
- loads of pranks
- sex on the sofas in the back of the bus when everyone else is asleep


- him playing the guitar until you fall asleep
- watching the show from the side of the stage and him stealing glances at you
- being so proud of him every night
- cuddling him when he's fallen off the stage again
- teasing him all the next day after he's fallen off the stage again
- sweaty sex when he's hyped from performing
- constant teasing from the guys about how whipped he is
- basically being all the guys' mum and looking after them
- tris, james and brad all calling you mum
- when they see you and joe together, screaming "mum and dad" and connor getting all jealous
- comforting and reassuring him when he gets jealous


- sleeping naked
- the boys always walking into your room and james pulling you to him to cover your chest
- "guys, go away. i know you're only here to see y/n naked"
- pillow fights
- him always coming to hug you when he gets off stage
- "don't touch me until you've showered"
- massages
- exploring the countries they tour in together
- going on hikes and runs
- working out in every city
- him literally doing anything for you, even right before he goes onstage

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