twenty-four. preference

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living with them would include:


- playing with his curls non-stop
- "darling" "love" "sweetheart"
- "baby girl" and "baby boy"
- cuddLeS
- unlimited kisses
- holding hands 24/7
- always fighting tris for brad's attention, but low-key shipping tradley
- gentle, slow morning sex
- staring contests ending in laughter
- his hoodies
- playing with his fingers and rings
- knowing every inch of his body, and him knowing every inch of yours
- teasing


- sitting on his lap as he teaches you to play the drums
- always admiring his jaw line
- "y/n, brad wants to have a threesome" "no, tris"
- wearing his t-shirts as dresses
- unintentionally always giving him a boner, and literally everything you do turning him on
- him always touching your bum
- neck kisses
- him waking you up when he can't sleep and making out
- when he's asked about you in interviews, he can't stop a small smile spreading across his lips
- him referring to you as "my baby"
- playing with each other's hair
- him taking loads of random selfies on your phone
- him always getting sunburnt
- non-stop sarcasm


- tracing his tattoos with your fingers
- feeling his muscles
- him forgetting where he left everything
- shy con
- always encouraging him when he gets nervous or shy
- him being so willing to let you borrow his clothes while he's on tour, and they all smell like him
- him asking to tie your hair up, and actually doing a good job
- making out being interrupted by your stomach's rumbling
- midnight walks
- pretty much everything he does making you smile
- you always falling asleep on him
- his fans always asking you for cute photos of him sleeping, and you always taking them
- lazy mornings


- sitting on his lap all the time
- "baby"
- him always trying to make you laugh
- catching each others eye and smiling
- watching the sun set together
- singing along to the radio as he drives
- morning sex on the kitchen counters before breakfast
- travelling the world together
- sleeping in his shirts with nothing underneath
- working out together
- facetiming him and connor always interrupting
- him always resting his hand on your knee
- play fighting turning into making out

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