nine. bradley

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a.n. this is a long one (:

brad pulled up outside his parents' house and got out of the car, me following him as he walked to the front door.

his mum opened the door less than five seconds after we'd rung the bell, and her face lit up at the sight of her son.

"hello, love." she cooed, bringing him into a hug.

"y/n! we haven't seen you in such a long time." she beamed, hugging me as well, before pulling brad and i into a three-way hug.

we were greeted by brad's dad, sister, and other close family friends/members of his, before going to the living room and catching up for about an hour.

brad and i went up to bed, stripping down to our underwear, before climbing under the warm duvet.

his arms wrapped around my waist and he pulled me as close as possible to his body, our fronts pressed together.

"good night, princess." brad mumbled, "i love you."

"ditto." i smiled softly, leaning up and kissing him.

i stirred, yawning and squinting my eyes open.

brad appeared to still be asleep, so i lay on top of him, and kissed his soft lips to wake him up.

"happy birthday, baby boy." i smiled when he rubbed his eyes, subsequently opening them, yawning and wrapping his arms around my waist.

"i love you." i added, placing another kiss to his lips.

"thank you." brad said, smiling sleepily. "i love you too."

i lay next to him, my fingers dancing across his chest as we cuddled and talked for a few minutes. "you're old." i stated and brad frowned.

"i'm so old." he pouted.

"when i'm fat and old." i teasingly sang, because of our joint 1d obsession, the two of us smiling.

"i'm not fat."

"hmm..." i playfully trailed off, causing brad's pout to grow.

"i'm joking baby, you're far from." i giggled, kissing his shoulder, and we cuddled for a while more.

"happy birthday!" brad's little cousins squealed, running into our room and jumping on the bed.

"thanks." he grinned, an adorable, happy smile still on his lips.

they hugged brad, giggling childishly at the lack of clothes him and i had on, before stating, "aunty said you two need to stop acting like lazy teenagers and get up because it's nearly lunchtime."

"okay, thank you. tell mum we'll be down in a few, and ask her to make us a cup of tea." brad instructed, the twins nodding before leaving and scampering downstairs.

we both just lay there for a few minutes, still cuddling, until i went to get up.

brad pulled me back down on top of him, pressing his lips to mine again.

"mum won't mind." he mumbled, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me closer to him.

i smiled, giving in and kissing him back, one of my hands cupping his cheek, the other in his hair, pulling gently on the ends.

brad moaned softly at my actions, his tongue parting my lips as his hands trailed up my spine, causing me to shiver slightly.

he unclipped my bra, pulling it off me without breaking the kiss, and chucked it to the corner of the room somewhere.

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