twenty. james (au)

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a.n. so this is a bit different.
you're a princess in the 1500s +live in a castle with james as your personal servant. you've known him for about two years, but you're scared to tell him your feelings.

(idrk when castles were around so idk if it was 1500, but nvm lol)

i lay in bed, james in the small bed that was next to mine, and looked at him.

"are you cold?" i asked quietly, seeing as he only had a thin sheet covering his body.

"it doesn't matter, miss." james replied.

"james, you know you can call me y/n." i said softly, "and come here, my bed is big and warm enough for the two of us." i offered, finally, after months of wanting to.

"no, y/n, it is fine. i do not want to get in trouble with your father if he sees me." james said.

"you would not, i will tell father i allowed you in." i said softly, lifting up the side of the covers.

he looked at me hesitantly, "james, come on. it is okay." i prompted and he got into my bed carefully.

i moved towards him, "um...please can you cuddle me?" i mumbled.

"i don't want to get on the bad side of your father..." james said.

"i'll explain to papa." i reasoned and james gently put his muscular arms around me.

i smiled, snuggling into his chest, "thank you." i mumbled and he nodded.

"goodnight, princess." he said softly.

i fell asleep about twenty minutes later, in the same position.

"james?! let go of my daughter immediately! how dare you? who do you think you are?!"

i was woken by the shouts of my father and opened my eyes as james let go of me, getting out of bed cautiously.

"i..i am sorry, sir--"

"papa, please don't." i said, cutting james off, "i allowed him to sleep with me. in fact, i offered." i stated.

my father froze, "what?" he asked, anger still covering his features, now mixed with confusion, "darling, he is a servant. what are you doing?"

"papa, i like him a lot. he is so kind and gentle to me. he cares for me so very dearly." i said softly.

james turned to me, a smile on his face as his features softened.

"you must be mistaken--" my father started but i cut him off, despite the many lectures i have had about not doing that.

"no, father. i am not lying." i said firmly.

"do you want him to stay?" my father asked me. i nodded and he turned to james, "do you like her in the same way?"

james nodded, gently saying, "yes, sir. i do...very much." which caused a smile to form on my lips.

"well, you hesitantly have my permission. Do not hurt her." my father scalded before walking out.

james came back to my bed and i put my arms around his neck, as his went around my waist.

"you like me?" he asked softly, looking as happy as i probably did.

"yes." i answered, "i think i love you."

"i..i love you too." james said.

"may i kiss you, princess?" he asked and i nodded.

he cupped my cheeks and kissed me softly and i kissed him back, starting to unbutton his shirt.

he slowly started to unbutton mine before taking it off me and putting his shirt over my shoulders and leaving it unbuttoned.

james undid my corset before he took off my (pyjama) shorts and i pulled away, standing up and running to my door, locking it.

i was now just in my panties and bralette, with james' unbuttoned, oversized (on me) shirt, covering my arms, and reaching about my mid-thigh, but it'd fallen off my shoulders.

i wasn't really conscious, seeing as he's my private, personal 'assistant', he's seen me fully naked before.

i sat back down on my bed opposite james and he held my waist, placing me on his lap before kissing me again.

pulling away, i got into bed again and motioned for james to join me, where he lay on his back and wrapped his arms around my waist, as i lay sideways facing him, one of my arms on his chest and my head on his shoulder.

i closed my eyes, saying, "i am going back to sleep." and james kissed my forehead.

"sleep well, princess."

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