eighteen. tristan

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tris stormed up to his bedroom, and i sighed, running after him.

"open the door, baby." i said softly, realising it was locked.

"no." he mumbled, and i heard him attempting to stifle his sobs, resultantly breaking my heart.

i retrieved a paperclip and carefully and quickly picked the lock.

i opened the door slowly, and quietly stepped in, tris' tear-stained face looking up at me.

"oh, tris." i cooed, sitting next to him and wrapping my arms around his waist, holding him to me. "just cry, it's okay. let it all out."

he slowly put his arms around me, his face buried in the crook of my neck as his warm tears wet my skin and shirt, but i didn't mind.

when tris' breathing finally slowed and the tears stopped flowing so steadily, i gently leant back and cupped his face, pressing a delicate kiss to his lips.

"i-i'm sorry." he hiccuped and i felt myself smiling in adoration at the blonde boy in front of me.

"i love you." i said simply.

"i love you too." he sighed, leaning down and kissing me softly, pulling me to sit on his lap, straddling his waist.

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