Chapter 1

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Sitting on the toilet, I wait for the results of my test.  A few minutes later the pregnancy test showed two lines. I instantly filled guilt. What are people going to say. I try to ignore my thoughts.

Mumbling I walk out of the bathroom with the test.  I sit down on the couch in the living room overwhelmed with the idea of being a mother.

"What's that?" My mom appears from the kitchen. "Nothing." I hide the test under my shirt.

"Come on.  Show me." She holds out her hand for me to give her the item. I Unhide the test and place it in her hand. I quickly run upstairs to my bedroom closing the door behind me. I didn't want to hear her voice telling me what I have done wrong.

The sudden urge to vomit overtakes the want to hide. I run out the bedroom and across the hall to the bathroom. The family pictures become blurring at the speed I'm going at. Although I know what the photos look like from looking at them for so long in the past.

I reach the bathroom In seconds and I. Fewer seconds I was leaning over the toilet puking. The green chunks from dinner last night had me leaning over the toilet some more. I felt a hand pull my brunette hair away. A warm hand was placed on my back and was moved in circular motions.

Once finished emptying, I turn to see my mother. The test is in a ziplock bag being held in her left hand. She holds it out for me to grab. I take the bag and set it on the white tiled floor. "You'll be fine." I shake my head disagreeing. I wanted to go to college. Travel. Get married... Now I can't. "How can I be?" I continue to raise my voice. "I'm fifteen!"

I pick up the test and hurry back to my room, belly flopping onto my wooden bed which had a calming blue comforter paired with it. Maybe someone could adopt the kid.  There wasn't many options but I know I would eventually have to pick one.

My room was pretty simple. In one corner was the door and opposite of that was my bed. On the other side of the room there was a desk. On the walls, they're were several posters and pictures. My white dresser was next to my bed.

I hide my face in the pillow wanting to escape from here. "Mom told me." I raise my head to hear My older sister of seventeen coming through the door holding her one year old. "When did it happen?" I sigh sitting up to face her. She sits down on the bed setting Nathan on the floor.

"Um, it happened a few weeks ago. Josh and I were um, doing homework and we both were curious of what it was like to... Um, do it. I didn't want to get pregnant though."

"Listen Tess. I was around your age when I found out I was expecting." How she said those words had me rethinking the whole situation. "It was tough. Waking up at two every morning for six months was not easy." I frown remembering the days when I would also wake up from the incredibly loud screams.

"How did you make it?" I question her. She picks up Nathan as he was starting to get into nail polish. "I had a great reminder of how great things were and are." She leaves my room with out another word.

I look down towards my tummy. "Maybe things won't be as bad as I think they'll be."

Super short chapter but I wanted to see how you guys like this part. I will keep writing it if it's ok. :)

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