Chapter 6

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The outfit above is her outfit for the day. comment if you would like me to put one for each chapter/day.

~ 21 weeks prego (August 5th currently) ~

I glance at the clock one more time. 4:23pm. I run the hairbrush thru my hair before grabbing my purse and walking outside. The breeze that never came would not have helped in the summer heat. I enter my BMW. the keys bring the car alive and I drive off alone to get another ultrasound. I arrive and sign in. quickly enough, I was called in.

"hello, I'm Dr. Stevenson." we shake hands after I introduce myself.  "Is this the first ultrasound you have had?" "no,  I had one around twenty weeks ago." she nods but looks confused. "You should've had one in-between." I think about it for a second but I don't linger on the subject.

She pulls out some cold jell stuff and I rub it on my belly. she grabs the wand and places it on top. she moves it around and soon we hear the heartbeats. "Would you like to know the sex of the babies?" "Yes please." "it looks like two boys!" A big smile is shown on my face. I end up getting a few sonograms of them.

"Just a reminder, your due date is December 28th." I nod and walk out of the room. In the waiting room I see Josh sitting and reading a magazine. The smile is no longer there and is replaced by a small frown. He looks up and we make eye contact. he stands up putting the magazine down and walks towards me. I wait until he reaches me. "Why are you here." "How's the baby?" he ignores the question. "That should be plural!" I say starting to get mad. "Why are you here?" my voice is starting to rise and I saw a few eyes turn to us.

"Can we not talk here." I didn't care a bit on what he wanted. I throw a sonogram at him and waddle to my car. Josh runs to catch up and he grabs my wrist to stop me. I turn to face him and I almost slapped him. "Let go." I give the death stare. he lets go but doesn't stop trying to talk to me.

"It was a mistake! Baby please!" I roll my eyes and get in the drivers seat. I lock the door as soon as i am in the vehicle.  He stops and walks away. I put in the key and the car comes alive. i don't drive off right away. I get a text.

Emma - Hey! how have you been? we haven't talked in a long time.

Me - I know! I'm doing good. I am pregnant!

I didn't get an answer after that.  I had met Emma nearly a year ago at a summer camp. We exchanged numbers and after the first week of school we didn't really chat much.

A few minutes later I went home. Emma still hasn't replied but I didn't mind. I expected that. I enter my house and find a big cardboard box with a note. I attempt to bring it in but it was to heavy. I leave it on the porch and when my mom gets home ill ask her to help.

ANOTHER CHAPTER!!!! yay! comment what you think and don't forget to vote! Shoutout to @-elaine_johnson for helping me write this!

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