Chapter 4

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~ 12 weeks prego ~

"Tessa!" My friend calls my name in the school hallway. "Hi Sara." I walk closer.

When she was in front of me she looked down towards my baby bump. "Is it true?" She points towards the bump. "Yeah." I rub my bump and then we walk down towards first period.

"Are you gonna have someone adopt it or-" I didn't let her continue. I didn't want to think of giving my child away to anybody. "I'm going to keep it."

"By the way, I love that outfit on you." I had a black maxi skirt and a three quarter sleeve red shirt. "Thanks."

"You know, if you want to ask more questions about the baby, you can." I kept noticing her staring at it like it's going to explode.

"Um, does it hurt?" I wonder if that's her real question.  "The baby doesn't hurt me, but my breast will sometimes hurt and I have a few stretch marks on my belly." She nods to say I answered her question.

We separated to go into class. I entered and didn't get the most welcomed entrance. "Oh look what we have here. A pig." I try to ignore the other rude comments and sit down at my seat. I thought that people would call me names. It's just worse than I thought it would be.

After fifty five minutes I was able to leave the classroom. I meet Josh outside. "Hey, how is it going?" He places a hand on my belly. "I want chocolate." He removes his hand "I'll go get you some." He walks off. I watch him walk down the hallway. He goes left, the wrong way to the snack machine. I follow him to see what is happening.

I manage to be a ninja. Josh walks into the janitors closet and closes the door. Another person, I couldn't tell who, walks into the janitors closet as well. I fear the worst. I walk to the closet.

My hands shake as I open the door. I want to run from what I'm seeing but I can't. Sara and Josh are kissing. Josh pulls away a second later when he sees me.

"Tess." He try's to explain but I don't let him. I walk off. I don't know where I planned to go but I didn't want to stay at school. I happen to pass a trash can outside the front part of the school. I empty my breakfast into the trash can.

"Tess!" I ignore Josh and keep going. "Tessa." He grabs my wrist and turns me to him. He places his lips on mine. I push him away. I look at him in disgust as I slap him in cheek with the palm of my hand. "Your a filthy cheating lair!" I leave walking two miles home.

I left him. I don't know what to do. I thought he loved me, yet I should have known. He cheated on his last girlfriend.

What about my friend. I tell her everything! She is the person who knows everything about me. She knew that I loved him. I never told him, but I told her about I felt about him. Jerks, they're jerks.

When I arrive home I find my grandparents sitting on our couch. "Hi Grandma, hi Grandpa. why are you here?" I worry why they're here. they don't usually come. "Your mother told us you has something to share." I could tell she knew but Grandpa has no idea.

I sit on the chair opposite of them. "well, I am pregnant." Grandpa's eyes go big and he looks surprised while Grandma has a disappointing face. My Grandpa leaves the room then comes back with a beer in his hand.

"seriously? how far along are you?" My Grandpa takes a sip of his beer. "fourteen weeks." I sigh unhappy with their responses to the news.

"where's the dad?" My Grandma questions. "umm." should I tell her? why not, I try to stay honest. "He cheated on me with my best friend today in the janitors closet." I say simply then leave the room to the bathroom. I sit on the toilet with my pants down. why did this happen to me? I'm not ready. I'm fifteen! I should've got an abortion when I could've. The only person who doesn't car that I'm prego is my sister who has gone through the same thing.

I wipe and pull my skirt up. I wash my hands then go to my bedroom. I decide to do some homework. After twenty minutes alone I hear an almost silent knock on my door. "Tess?" My mom appears. I roll my eyes and turn to her. "are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Her face shows she doesn't believe those words. "you aren't. what's wrong?" "it's like you all are judging me for who I am now." I saw acknowledging my baby bump. "We don't think of you any differently. We all love you." with that, she leaves the room.

I walk downstairs angry at how I have reacted at things. I enter the living room to my whole family. "I'm sorry for how I reacted. I shouldn't have behaved that way." I leave the room without saying anything else. I didn't want to because I was worried I was going to say something I would regret.

I enter the kitchen and grab the pickles and whip cream from the fridge. I take a pickle out and out whip cream on it. I eat many of them then clean up my mess.

I'm glad I apologized for my wrongs.

I might do two chapters a day... I don't know. PLEASE vote and comment. I would like to know your opinion. :) Good night all you people.

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