Chapter 2

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"You have to go to school Tessa." My mom shouts from the stairs. "Why?!" I whined. It was a week from when I found out I was pregnant.  Currently the motion sickness was not going great. Every morning I would puke and then I would in the late afternoon. At night I would end up puking supper.

I usually am thrilled with going to school but my morning sickness is telling me that going to school is not a good idea.  I get out of my bed tiredly and walk to my closet.  I pull out some blue jeans, a red tank and a black sweater. I grab my undies and such. I quickly change into my outfit. I grab socks and my black sneaker before walking downstairs.  I probably stink but I honestly didn't care.

I check my phone I saw several messages from my friend Sara. Some from my other friends Gracie and Jessie. I reply to them all then put my phone into my pocket, before walking downstairs slowly.

"You're finally up!" My mom tends to exaggerate things but this time she didn't have to. "Yeah mom, I'm up." She walks to the toaster, pulls the toast out, then throws it at me. I manage to catch one of the two. "MOM!?" She laughs and walks away to the living room. "Such a great mom." I mumble but laugh a little too.

I pick up the other piece of toast and I sit at the table eating it plain since I didn't want my later puke looking like jam. Lily, my only sister, walks in with Nathan. "How's it goin sis." I ask. She grabs breakfast for them two and sits at the table with me. She hands Nathan to me. I take him into my arms as he squirms about. " good." She replays with just one word. She soon asks for Nathan back so she can put him in the highchair. We all eat in silence. At least two of us do. One keeps laughing at their food for no reason.

Soon enough, we were on our way to school. First stopping by the daycare. When I entered the school I went straight to Josh, my boyfriend, locker.  He saw me approaching and leaned in for a kiss. I put my hand up to block it. He backs his head away. "what's up?" He asks not actually caring to know. I grab his wrist and drag him outside the school. I step closer. "I- I'm pregnant." I spoke barely above a whisper. " your the only person who could be the father." I said not as hesitantly as before.

He just stares into my hazel eyes as I stare into his blue ones.  I can't read the emotion as it is mixed with many of them. "Didn't we use protection?!" He asked at the same volume I spoke.  "I guess not." I started to get annoyed. He nods. "I'm not leaving you. I-." He stops speaking for a moment but then continues on. "I think we should discuss this somewhere else after school." I nod in agreement. Last thing I need to for people to laugh.

After school we go back to my house to discuss the many things that need to be discussed. We sit down in the living room and turn on the tv as background noise. "Um, I believe you when you say it's mine. But I would like to check to see if you are actually pregnant." "My mom signed me up for an appointment for next month I think" I patiently ask for the next question.

"When the kid is born, where do you want it to stay?" I sigh and then explain to him my thoughts about him moving in with me and the baby. "It might not work because we only have one more bedroom."

The rest of the day went by quickly. After Josh stayed for dinner he went home and then I went to bed tired from the day.

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