Chapter 8

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~ 22 weeks prego ~ names with pictures on whose outfit is whose.

"Give! Give!" The five year old screamed.  I am helping Courtney at her church in the daycare. Courtney had said before that they needed more volunteers, I asked if I could help. She said that I could if I tried church. I'm Not one for church but I wanted to help, so I went.

"Only of you don't throw it at the other kids." I say ready to hand over the toy. The little girl smiles and nods and I give it to her.

"You shouldn't have. She needed to take a break from the toy and let others play with it." She says walking up to me with a two year old sucking his thumb. She puts him down when he starts to tug on her shirt.

"Sorry, I'm new to this. " I say picking up some toys some kids had placed all over.

"I didn't think all the younger kids would be in the same group today. Bad timing for you to help." She laughs. I laugh along and pick up an infant from the crib. I rock the baby to sleep then continue the conversation.

"What age groups are they usually?" I ask.

"Hard to explain. Also thanks for helping." I smile and place the infant back in one of the many cribs. "Don't worry, it will be over in half an hour."

"Okay. Hopefully sooner. Kids are wild! And it isn't helping that I am in my second trimester with twins!" A few people looked when I said that. I ignore them as I grab a cup of water.

"You sure?" I look at her uncertain of what she means.

"What?" She looks at me with a strange expression.

"Never mind..." I ignore the want to know and I finish the rest of the morning reading books to children.

"You ready for service?" Courtney asks.

"What is it going to be about?" I ask in return.

"Not sure! Shall we find out." She walks in while I kind of waddle. I catch people staring. As soon as I would look at them, their eyes would look away.

We sit somewhere in the middle group of the chairs and we wait a few minutes before the song part of the worship began. We all stand to sing. I try and sing the song, but being an alto was hard in this situation since the songs seem to be made for sopranos. I had to sit down eventually from getting dizzy.

The few songs the church sang ended and everybody else sat down as someone else walked to the small stage.

"Hello, I'm am the pastor here. My name is Jackson helm." He pauses before continuing.

"Please turn Galatians four twenty seven." You could hear the pages from several bibles turning to the requested page. 

I listened carefully to what he was saying. I accidentally zoned out and came back from my thoughts when I had to go pee.

I checked the time from a clock that hanged on the wall. The service was almost finished. Each minute took more pain to hold it. I look down after feeling a wet area only to find my large belly in the way. I nudge Courtney in the side and ask her to see if I was right. She looks up with a shocked face. She hands me her jacket and I place it on my lap.

"You peed your pants...." She says. I can hardly hear her but the words still unsettle me. I suddenly realize that the need to go pee wasn't there anymore.

The survive ended in the next two minutes. I make sure the row Courtney and I sat in was clear of people before standing. As soon as my bottom is in the air, I tie the jacket around my waist so it covers both my butt and the front.

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