Chapter 12

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~ labor ~ yay! I have no idea how giving birth actually goes so.... Yeah.

"Make it STOP!" I tell the doctor. I am currently in a hospital room and having a contraction. After a few minutes it's stops.

"I can give you an epidural but you will have to wait." She says. "Not long though. You've been here for an hour and already 7 centimeters." She try's to cheer me up but it didn't work. She didn't even try that hard.

Another contraction starts and i felt the worst pain I have ever felt. It eventually stops but I know it will return, but worse.

"Mom." I call to her from across the room. She was on her phone and lily is asleep. I half wish that Josh was here.

"Can you get me my phone? I want to call someone..."

"Sure hon." She gets my phone and hands it to me. Then goes back to her spot on the couch to continue scrolling thru Pinterest.

I call Josh and put the phone up to my ear. It goes to voicemail.

"Josh..." I mutter. So much I want to say. I have been ignoring him for months and I feel horrible because of it. I want him in my children's lives.

"I am in labor. I just thought you should know. I am so sorry." I whisper the last few words but I know he will hear them.

I feel a tear roll down my cheek just as another contraction start.


"Let's see how many centimeters!" A different doctor from before says. With gloves on she checks.

"It seems like it's time!" She says excited.

They take me to another room where I will give birth.

Once the doctors are ready, they tell me to push. I scream in pain as I push. I keep pushing while lily will once and a while give me a sip of water.

"I can see the head!" One of the three doctors say. I get really excited when I hear her and push harder.

Crying fills the room. "It's a boy!" I desperately want to hold him but they won't let me. Then I remember I have two more to go. I wipe the sweat from my forehead and get ready. I stop when I see them take the infant already born out of the room.

"Don't stop! I can see him!" I push three more times before the next boy is here.

Another ten times before the girl came.

Thru don't take the other two but the first boy isn't here.

"Where is he?" I ask wanting to know where my baby is. "WHERE IS HE?!" I scream at him when he doesn't hear the first time.

"NICU. He had underdeveloped lungs." I felt my heart ache. The doctor hands me the other boy and girl. I hold them carefully as they snuggle into my chest.

"Names?" The doctor asks. I haven't thought much about names. I think of the three names I really like that start with C.

"She will be Cassidy Anne Miller. He will be Connor James Miller. My other boy in the NICU... He is Caleb Ray Miller."

"Good names! You seem like you just came up with them." He laughs.

"I did! Are they bad names?" I ask worried I ruined my children's lives. Cassidy starts moving her head.

"Looks like Cassidy is hungry. And no, they are not bad names." I smile at his comment.

"Do you plan on breastfeeding or formula!" The doctor asks writing some  more stuff on his clipboard.

"Depend how Breastfeeding goes." I say. "Speaking of which, is there someone who can teach me how to breastfeed?"

"Sure, I'll go get her." With that he walks out of the room.

I admire my baby girl and baby boy while calming fussing Cassidy. Connor starts sucking on his thumb.

In a minute my mom and lily come in the room. I hand my mom Connor and Lily holds Cassidy. I've decided to give Cassidy the nickname Casey or Cas.

"Is... Josh here?" I ask my mom and sister. They shake their heads no. Mom gives me Connor when the nurse comes in.

"I'm going to teach you how to breastfeed?" She comes and sits on a chair next to me.

"I'm Rachael. What's yours and baby's?

"I'm Tess and this Is Connor." She smiles and she helps me get comfortable before she tells me step by step instructions on how to feed them both from breastfeeding and formula.


"Tess!" Someone wakes me from my slumber. It was my mom smiling.

"You can go see Caleb now!" Her smiles grows bigger.

" what about Casey and Connor?"

"Lily will watch them." I look over to the cribs and see Lily watching them.

I get of the bed and we walk over to the NICU with my mom. Thru a window I can see my boy Caleb.

"He is so tiny. His little feet are adorable..." I start to cry and my mom puts a arm around me and gives me a side hug while comforting me.

"Are you Tess Miller?" A nurse approaches and asks. I nod.

"Your son Caleb with be fine and can go home tomorrow if everything goes as planned. " I smile and my tears become happy and I hug my mom not knowing how to handle how happy I am.

" he might have asthma later on in his life" she continues. "But other that he is healthy! If you go to the front desk you can sign up for your first pediatrician appointment."

" alright thanks. Can I hold him?" I point towards Caleb.

" of course! I'll go get him!"  A few minutes later she comes out holding him.

I take him from her and start crying happy tears again.

My mom out of nowhere, takes a photo. "Secretly I have been and will taking photos. You'll thank me in the future." She smiles.

"Thanks mom. I just wish Josh could see them right now."

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