Chapter 9

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~ 25 weeks ~

"You can't be serious!" I say furious with the news. "Moving is not going to be a "fun" experience while being twenty five weeks pregnant with twins!"

My mom tries to comfort me but I ignore it and slowly, but as quick as I can, run up to my room. Which will soon no longer be "my room". I pace my self when I reach the top of the stairs. Walking to my room, I feel a tear move down my cheek.

I didn't plan on moving and I really don't since I am just in my third trimester...with more than one baby. I have an ultrasound today. I wanted to enjoy it but I guess that will be hard to do.

I close my bedroom door behind me and I go to my bathroom. I take a long shower and by the time I'm done, it's 11:13 am.

I get dressed and I feel much better once ready. I was never one for makeup. I brush out my hair, putting it in a French braid.

I grab some things and go downstairs. My mom stops me before I get out of the house. "Just because we argued earlier does not mean i don't want to take you to get the ultrasound. Who else would?" My mom says confidently.

I don't say a word as she grabs her purse and drives me to my appointment.

"What do you wanna do for your birthday?" Mom asks randomly. To be honest, I had forgotten that it was tomorrow.

" I had forgotten. I didn't think of doing anything...I guess all the fun stopped..." I rub my belly as I have grown habit of.

"Alright. Your party!" My mom says in a rather unusual way. My mom is always excited about birthdays or holidays.

I wait for the person to get me in the waiting room. My mom is sitting beside me reading a magazine.

I wait and sit patiently but I accidentally bump into another teenager. I look to see who I bumped into, I find another teen who happens to be pregnant.

"Sorry..." I say. She looks up from her phone.

"It's alright.... ." She notices I'm pregnant and is the first to say something. "How many weeks pregnant are you?"

"Twenty five. How about you?" She looks down at her baby bump then back at me.

"Thirty. I'm Aubrey."

"Tess. How old are you?" I ask.

"16... No drivers license though." She sighs. "How about you?"

"Tomorrow I'm turning 16. No learners permit." I laugh. We chat for a few more minutes until I get called in. We Exchange phone numbers and I walk away with my mom into another room.

Following the person who called me, we enter the room I have been in for all the past ultrasounds.

I lay on the bed with familiar instructions on what to do. My mom sits beside me in a chair.

The cold jell the doctor placed sent chills down my spine. Soon enough, the familiar heartbeat filled the room.

"Are you aware you're having triplets?!" She asks cheerfully. Shocked I had to ask what she said just to make sure I didn't hear wrong.

"Triplets?!" My mom says with a nervous grin.  The lady smiled and repeated herself again.

"Would you like to know the gender of the other one?" I nod slowly unsure if I saw this coming. The feeling I had before finally makes sense now.

"The baby that apparently is a surprise is...." She moves the wand around a little more. "Girl!" I am shocked as shocked as you can be. 

The lady gives me a napkin so I clean the jell of my belly. She gives me four sonograms. We leave the building after paying.

Triplets...moving... It just is all over whelming and at the moment there is nothing I can do about it. Sad to say but I wish I wasn't having triplets.

On the way home, my mom tried to comfort me but I did nothing to encourage that.

"Mom, for my birthday I would like the baby shower...." I say. It is the only idea I have, I should say it.

My mom doesn't say anything as she pulls up the drive way. There were maybe twelve cars parked around our house. We walk inside. I find 14 people yelling surprise at me. Presents lined up on the table. And everywhere is sorta a mess.

"We decided to put together your birthday and the baby shower!" My mom says pleased with what she has done. I decide to go along with it.

About a hour in, people wanted me to open the presents. I sit down in the most comfortable chair we have and I open each one carefully. The first one was some nail polish for me and two pacifiers for the babies. The rest were all similar to that.

Once done with opening the presents, I asked everyone to listen. "Today I found out....I'm having triplets!" I announce. Everybody was excited except for the two other moms who had to drive their teens here.

"Good luck..." I hear one of the moms whisper. I don't pay attention to it and I stay happy the rest of the day.

At the end, when everybody is gone, I lay down on the couch to take a break from today. I happen to fall asleep quickly.

"You can't bring all those sweaters!" I tell my son. "Remember? your sister and brother arnt here today! They're with daddy!" I say trying to have him put them back.

The boy runs inside to put the sweaters back. He comes back and we walk down the side walk towards the park.

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