Chapter 13

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~ babies are one week old ~

"Please be asleep." I mumble to myself as I open the door to Cassidy's room. Cassidy cries a lot but the boys don't. I think Cassidy just likes attention.

In her crib Cassidy sleeps peacefully on her back.

I am extremely tired but the thought of a nap gets interrupted when I hear a knock at the door. Closing the door to Cassidy's nursery, I go to the front door.

I open it and find Josh.

"Hey Tess...." He says nervously.

"Hey Tess?! That's all you can say?!" I yell at him in whispers. "YOU WEREN'T THEY'RE FOR THEIR BIRTH!" Still a whisper scream.

" I am incredibly sorry for that but when I got your message...I wasn't home. I was in California!" He apologizes and starts defending himself.

I didn't want to listen to it but I let him in. Mostly so he can watch the triplets while I take a shower then a nap.

"Here is the two baby monitors. Connor and Caleb sleep in a different room then Cassidy. You will be able to tell who's room is who. Connor is wearing green and Caleb is wearing Blue. Cas is a girl!" I hand him the monitors and I go upstairs to finally take care of myself.

In the shower I wash every inch of myself before getting out. I wrap my hair into a towel and search for a clean outfit. I put on some sweat pants and a loose t-shirt before taking a nap.

I am able to nap for half an hour before Caleb's screams wake me.

I walk to the boys nursery and find Josh already calming him. I won't lie and say I didn't find this attractive.

I am about to walk away but then Connors cries start to fill the house. Caleb must have woken him.

I take Connor and go to the rocking chair to nurse him. Afterwards I nurse Caleb and then i go back to bed wanting more sleep.

I hear the door open and I look to Josh standing at the door.

"Yes?" I ask wanting to know why he's here.

"Tess. I am really sorry. I really would like to be in Connors, calebs and Cassandra-"

"Cassidy" I corrected him.


"You can starting with today." The door closes after he leaves.

I sleep another hour before Cassidy wakes up for food.

After I feed her, with the help from Josh, we bring the three downstairs. They each get put in a baby swing and set to low.

Sighing about life, I walk to the kitchen which is now stocked with a lot of food people had given to me.

Instead of eating leftovers, I make a ham sandwich which I devour.

"You can eat something." I say to Josh while cleaning my plate and several other dishes.

"Nah. How do you do it?"

"You mean take care of them?" He nods so I continue. "Thru no sleep and family." He laughs and goes back to the living room.

I hear the tv turn on. I go watch tv with him until dinner time.

After changing the triplets diaper and feed them again, I put them in their cribs to sleep.

"Do they only sleep, eat and poop." Josh asks laughing.

"You forgot cry." We both laugh and sit down at the couch.  We stare at each other. He starts to lean in for a kiss but I block him.

"I don't think that's a good idea." I tell him.

"Why not?" He asks.

"We are too different. Yes you're the father of my babies but we aren't meant to be together." After saying that he gets up angry and leaves slamming the front door on his way out. Almost waking the babies.

"That jerk!" I mumble and walk upstairs to fold clothes. Never thought this is how today would go.

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