Chapter 5

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~ 17 weeks prego ~

My bump was getting bigger and bigger. Making it harder to hide. I try so hard to hide it now.

I keep going to school after the drama with Josh and Sara. I ignore them though. Every time they attempt to talk to me, I just keep walking.

"Tess, please just listen." Josh keeps trying to stop me and get me to listen. I don't care for what he has to say. "I'm sorry! Please forgive me." I turn to face him.

"I forgive you, but that's all. We aren't getting back together." He nods accepting what he did was wrong. Why couldn't he just break up with me instead of cheating.

I go to my last class for the day, Lit. I enter bumping into one of the new kids. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry." His word stubble as he makes sure I'm okay. My hands immediately hold my belly in instinct, to protect them. He looks at me with his green eyes. "I-it's ok" I respond quickly then look away finding a seat in class.

The class went by slowly. Every once in a while I would catch the boy looking at me. He would then look away if I returned the glance at him. This made me feel uncomfortable.

When the class finally finished I walked to the restroom. I was about to enter when the boy stopped me. "Hey, I was wondering... What's your name?" I sigh turning to face him. "Tessa. Now please let go so I may go pee." He lets go putting his hands in his pant pocket. "Sorry. Im Will." I nod walking into the bathroom.

I walk out of the bathroom to see Will. "You know, I am starting to think your a creep." I walk past him and he joins walking with me to my locker. "Never wanted to be one." We stop in front of my blue locker and I enter the lock password.

I grab my homework and put in some other stuff. "I can hold these for you." I don't think twice before putting the stuff in his arms. I don't care on what he meant but he offered. I walk out of the school to meet my sister. Will is silently trailing behind me.

"Who's this?!" she sounds as shocked as I would expect. "just a friend sis." she looks at me disappointed that I had a boy carry my stuff when knowing I myself could. "you can hand those to me now." I take my stuff and place it in the back seat of lily's car.

"Be nice Tess." I get in the passengers seat without saying sorry to Will. Lily gets in the drivers side and drives towards the daycare to get Nathan.

"whats wrong." The words spilled out of my mouth. "I am just mad at Josh for cheating on me." I can tell she wants to say something about the subject. the ride home was silent besides the humming of the car on the road pavement.

After picking up Nathan and going home, I enter the house and walk to the pantry which hold my precious Oreos. I take the family size package and go to my room. I end up binge eating while watching Fuller House on my phone.

I have been busy but I wanted to write while I had some freetime. Please leave comments on what you think about the book so far.

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